Well-known member
Did you try to order the can through Silencer Shop or from a dealer? I went to a shop on 9/11 to ask some questions due to the same situation with the Omega 300. It was backordered through Silencer Shop and Out of Stock on the SilencerCo site, so I wanted to ask how the process worked on buying one on back order. While I was waiting to be helped, I looked in their display case and there was an Omega sitting in it. I asked them if they could sell that one. The guy said, " We've got 7 of them in back"! Everything changed then I just went ahead and purchased it. They also had a lot of accessories that Silencer Shop and SilencerCo listed as Out of Stock/Backordered, so I put a few things on layaway along with the can to pick up when it's cleared. They also had the Hybrid 46 in stock.Actual suppressor to come of back order…no they can’t do anything until they have the serial # on the suppressor and possession of the suppressor as the FFL.
Was told 1-3 week wait for it to come in July 20th…and now going in to 2nd week of October. Everything else is completed on my end. Filing as individual, so should hopefully go smoothly once paperwork is submitted. SilencerCo must be slammed with orders. Dealer is a Gold Level Silencer Shop dealer with Kiosk.
I would shop around if you can. You might find it somewhere else. I can give you the name of the shop I went to. Not sure what the process with that is either but if it's helpful I'd be willing to share.