ATF Form 4 Wait Times.

this is crazy,some return fast some dont.
I have 2 one took 13months 1 took 7,both came back same day
I have 2 more in jail 1 since 4-10 1 since 4-5.
still waiting
non have been trust
submitted with a trust Dec 29, 2023. Approved June 12, 2024. 5 1/2 months. Now about 3 weeks before silencer Central gets it to me. Waiting on another that was submitted Mar 26, 2024
Individual transfers are coming back quickly. Trusts are still taking a while. My trust has only two trustees, so I'm hoping it doesn't take near as long as some of the others I've seen, but I am likely going to be mistaken.

Submitted 6/7.
Individual transfers are coming back quickly. Trusts are still taking a while. My trust has only two trustees, so I'm hoping it doesn't take near as long as some of the others I've seen, but I am likely going to be mistaken.

Submitted 6/7.
I was 6 months in a trust with only me on it. Been 3.5 months on another so far.
I filed 5 form 4 individual back in May ....41 days all approved ....
they batched them all together , as a one was filed a month before that
on a paper form , non electronic ...


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I got my last trust, e-filed form in under 5 months back in May.

My last paper trust form took 11 months.
Still waiting…submitted May 7 as a trust. But I’m not in any rush. Would be nice if it gets here before rifle season opens for deer so I don’t have to keep swapping.
According to my email from Silencer Shop, my documents were completed on March 28th.

ATF shows application date of 4/2/24.

Regardless, it's Christmas in July, I was approved this morning, right at 3 1/2 months.

Yippeee !!!

Silencerco Switchback 22.
I'm going to wait a little while before I buy my next one. Hopefully the roll the Supreme Court has been on, they will take the ATF and tax stamp out of the picture.
I was thinking the exact same thing.

I called my dealer expecting to pick it up today, ain't gonna happen.

He's up to his ears in bureaucratic BS with the ATF concerning license & etc.

ATF approved over 20 of his customer's applications today to clear out his backlog before straightening out his licenses.

Hard to tell what the actual wait would have been.
I was thinking the exact same thing.

I called my dealer expecting to pick it up today, ain't gonna happen.

He's up to his ears in bureaucratic BS with the ATF concerning license & etc.

ATF approved over 20 of his customer's applications today to clear out his backlog before straightening out his licenses.

Hard to tell what the actual wait would have been.

IMO that's going to be the ATF's next move, come after dealers. The BS will keep on until we get a president that does away with the agency completely.