Looks like it's working for ya. Welcome to PM.My favorite is a Cooper Montana Varminter in 223AI.
What caliber, bo?this one started life as a dpms mil spec model. switched things around over the years....
Looks like it's working for ya. Welcome to PM.My favorite is a Cooper Montana Varminter in 223AI.
What caliber, bo?this one started life as a dpms mil spec model. switched things around over the years....
it was a 5.56 / 223, now it has a wilson combat 20" super sniper barrel in .223 wylde.Looks like it's working for ya. Welcome to PM.
What caliber, bo?
The first coyote I ever killed was called in and I shot it with my Benelli. It was very satisfying. I’m going full shotgun mode this year. We have lots of thick timber here in NE WA. Going to try and channel my inner Tory Cook.I’ve never killed a yote with a shotgun, hopefully one day.
Yep, I've shot coyotes with everything from 375 h&h to 222 but never w/anything w/o rifling in the barrel. A few of the close ones I've wished I had a shotgun in my hands, just not often enough to convince me to carry a shotgun.-------What ever rifle i have with me when I see a predator,that's my favorite for sure. Murl B.
Have 1 as well, great shooter! Currently the lower is on my bear creek 6.5g.Can't beat thet. My old Bushmaster Predator shoots like that. Only improvement I made on it was when the 2 stage factory trigger began to act up I put a 3# Timney SS in it. Don't remember for sure, either an 8 or 9" twist.
If you reload you might try the 55 gr NBT & H335. This load is a tad above listed maximum but dosn't show any excessive pressure in my rifle.
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This was @ 100; then my hunting partner sat down and shot an exact mirror image of this 5 shot group except his would have overlapped my group but on the right side of the vertical center line.
My 2 favorite calibers!
What ammo are you shooting? I just recently picked up another Tikka, Super Lite .243Pretty much happy with my Tikka 243
what is your preferred ammo & bullet for the 22-250?I am content with the 22-250