I will never use Vmax or any other soft varmint bullet for coyotes again. I used them in 223 from a 16" barrel but loaded hot. They will regularly fail to drop a quartered coyote if shot in the shoulder and those angled shots are large splash damage if you find the dog. When you have them loaded hot to try to get them through a coyote bone they will destroy fox and bobcat pelts.... At 22-250 velocities you end up in some different dimension of physics and there are less problems but in a 223 they are a huge handicap. 53gr TSX can do so, SO much more than a Vmax can, coyotes and fox DRT with consistent damage no matter what range, angle, bones dont matter, fox, coyote or bobcat size animal... Vmax were literally developed to pop rodents. I love the 65gr SGK also, the first coyote i got with one of those and I litertally mag dumped the last of my Vmax into my berm for some fun close up practice.
Not my video(it was just posted, it could be someone here, I hope it helps with views and doesnt get taken negatively out of context, this video shows exactly what happened to me also) but this guy is using 53Vmax and having clear failures on a coyote shoulder because the dog wasnt just quite perfectly cooperative. I tried 52 berger varmints before 53 Vmax and theres almost no difference, poor, poor handicapped performance. I night hunt in MN with a bright moon, most my shots are under 100 yards. TSX and SGK shoot great for me but even if they shot 1.5moa, even 2moa I would chose them over a .5moa Vmax.
I just found the pic of the last coyote i hit with Vmax, sorry, old camera wouldnt do night shots, probably for the better on this one.

Just like in the video at 10:12 the coyote was quartered towards me, 30 yards away looking eye to eye and I aimed for vitals behind the angled shoulder. This coyote went 300 yards, pelt ruined, literally blood SOAKED from neck to tail on the side he is laying on. Ive had others completely get away. When im calling in coyotes 90% of my shot are coyotes coming into the call, heading towards me at an angle, shoulder quartered towards me and the varmint bullets cant do it. Most my broadside shots are on spooked coyotes heading away or quartered away shots on coyotes heading away at high speed.
Any other .224 on the market beside these soft gopher varmint bullet and these are DRT hits without the pelt damage. 65gr SGK and 53gr TSX are 5 times the bullet vmax and 52 berger varmint is, TSX expand well and can penetrate more oak wood than Vmax can penetrate GEL! Hunting aside as well, its my AR ammo so I consider emegency deffensive type stuff. Ive seen 53gr vmax 223 gel tests that show 70% of Vmax damage in less than 3.5 inches of gel, the gel BB calibration of 650fps with a pump up kids BBgun is 3.5 inches! A kids BB gun im sure cant even penetrate most thick winter jackets or a coyote shoulder. Handicaped to the point my conspiracy brain is worried it could be the industry trying to neuter AR 223 users any way they can(ban green tips, push red tips), its as close to a bean bag round as you can make for centerfire. Im serously curious how much good soft pistol armor can stop Vmax??? You can see in the video the direct hit of the Vmax stopped the 30-35lb(?) coyote for under a second then it runs off, whats it going to do to an armored 230lb badguy??!!! And the 22-250 and wildcat guys are going to run into the same thing at longer range.
I hope ANTIFA loads vmax.