
Thanks CT. You have far more knowledge about such things than I do. I probably will use the short battery for my flashlight. I plan to get a couple more of the Panasonics that are longer.
Sounds like a plan, Dave.

Sometimes we tend to not think about some of the more mundane aspects, just taking them for granted. Case in point is a simple battery. I have to admit to dropping a 9V battery in my pocket because the battery in my call remote was getting low during such a mental lapse. The warm glow coming from that pocket quickly reminded me this is not a good idea; thankfully that was a simple alkaline battery. In hindsight, that was a really dumb thing to do, just something to which I had given no thought.

These new batteries are a whole "nother" issue.
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
CT, the guy said that a spacer could short it out if it touches the body of the light, and if too much pressure is put on the battery by tightening the cap that it can rupture and cause a serious fire or explosion, can release gasses that can burn. He said those type batteries really need to be handled with some care and safety procedures. He also cautioned about not getting them wet, and not allowing them to get too hot.

The Panasonic batteries i have are protected types and offer a bit more safety than non-protected. He said to not carry them loosely in pockets. I have a battery case that has an individual space for each one. The guy said so much that I can’t remember it all. I did come away with a better respect for those batteries.

That is good to know! I have a wide range of 18650 batteries. They vary tremendously in length and I have to work pretty hard on the cap to get the longer ones in my PARD. I'll stop doing that!!!

ETA- 06 got me taking another look at 110gr 308 bullets. Wow, If I can find some Varmageddons, I'm going to have to break out the 30-06.
Previously, I've loaded the 30-06 with Sierra 110gr HP. Those bullets really hold together...not what I want for coyotes.
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06 as you found 18650 batteries vary by length, protected,unprotected. Flattop, unprotected, batteries are typically 65mm. Another consideration is the output, don't exceed the recommended battery ratings. Japanese manufactured batteries are usually best, but 18650's are often counterfeit especially the name brand ones. Seems this has to do with the vaping business.
My bait pile continues to produce nothing except red fox so far. I've only killed one coyote on the bait pile since July 1 and called another one here at the house about a month ago. Mid-January to April has traditionally been the time when most of the coyotes show up here, but it has been really slack so far. Calling has been decently productive in my other hunting areas.

I can usually check the field at night with thermal and see 50 or more deer and about that many turkeys during daytime, so at least something is benefitting from the coyote absence.
I would think, if I was a coyote in DU's area, that I'd only be safe when at least 1200 yards from where DU sits and hunts. And maybe even that would be too close to the fire...
So for you baiting folks I figured I would share with you the coyote hunters holy grail bait site I found. For obvious reasons I can't share details but it's a extremely large feedlot just an hour past the middle of nowhere.
Being that it is so far removed from everywhere. the cattle that die just get put in a quarantined patch of ground to let nature take it's course. This "pit" must have had a previous hunter on it for quite a while because there is an elevated shoot house 100 yards from the bait. When scouting we counted over 20 coyotes on it or in the vicinity. Needless to say this spot might be worth the fuel it takes to get here.
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Originally Posted By: Burnsome...I would think, if I was a coyote in DU's area, that I'd only be safe when at least 1200 yards from where DU sits and hunts. And maybe even that would be too close to the fire...

And maybe after midnight when he turns the alarm off and goes to bed.
Darn good find, and with that many coyotes coming to it I think it is worth the gas and time. Looks pretty cold there though. Can you add some heat?
Originally Posted By: 6mm06Darn good find, and with that many coyotes coming to it I think it is worth the gas and time. Looks pretty cold there though. Can you add some heat?
Sadly I don't think I can add heat without making much noise. My biggest problem is I go stir crazy sitting too long. Spent 2 hours in there yesterday and was about to start shooting pigeons and magpies out of boredom haha

The stand may not be conducive to staying the night, but if you could keep warm and have a bunk for some rest, and with some sort of night vision you could put some coyotes on the ground. Being comfortable is the key. Of course I realize that not all stands offer the opportunity for that, and hunting at night and night vision needs to be legal.
The video of my recent drought breaker as promised: a kill, a misfire and then a miss?

Maybe something has changed about posting videos. I pasted the link from youtube by using the blue box, (5th button over). I can see the link in my post when I click edit, but it's not showing up here.

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Boy that second one hightailed it out of there. Misfires hurt since coyotes many times hear the click. I had a round fail to seat in the AR one time and had to eject that round and chamber another. The coyote heard it right off, stopped at looked toward the shack. I still managed to drop him despite the anomaly.
Same here 06. He definitely heard the click at 100 yds. I pulled the gun out of the port, back inside "the blind", cycled a new round in. I was really lucky he didn't leave laughing.

I played the 2nd one in slow motion and it might have broke low. I never found any blood, I did find a small tuff of hair.
That's a good video Week. It happens to all of us. I slump around for a couple weeks after a miss, beating myself up. That's hunting I guess. Keeps us coming back for sure. Stay after em!
Thanks for stopping over to this thread. I have followed your posts in years past with the great pics and absolutely beautiful coyotes up your way. Seems to me, I remember you hunting a pit from time to time up there. This must be a new one you discovered. At any rate, hoping you can grab some fur off this one, sounds like quite an opportunity.
Originally Posted By: baitpile I slump around for a couple weeks after a miss, beating myself up.

A miss always shakes confidence, and the “if only I would have….”

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