
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
The stand may not be conducive to staying the night, but if you could keep warm and have a bunk for some rest, and with some sort of night vision you could put some coyotes on the ground. Being comfortable is the key. Of course I realize that not all stands offer the opportunity for that, and hunting at night and night vision needs to be legal.
Sadly night hunting is not legal up here in Canada so I'm stuck to day hunting only
I'm feeling that misfire Weekender. Looks like it was lined up to put a pair on the board! Amazing that he stuck around and missing on the follow up would be horribly frustrating.
After the attending Bills/Miami game it was a struggle to get out of bed. Phone was going off every 2 minutes for quite a while before I finally checked. Seeing three coyotes woke me up quick.

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WTG pmack!! Need some details though...
Gun, caliber, NV or thermal, distance, bullet...
Inquiring minds want to know. Congrats on the fur, and I bet the triple
Was some adrenalin!! Good work!
Originally Posted By: baitpileWTG pmack!! Need some details though...
Gun, caliber, NV or thermal, distance, bullet...
Inquiring minds want to know. Congrats on the fur, and I bet the triple
Was some adrenalin!! Good work!

Remington R15 with 55vmax, Pulsar XQ50, baitpile is about 120 yards from house. Been through a bunch of lean years baiting and haven't put much effort into it this year. This year they seem to be back, I've had more visits in the last month than the last couple years.
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So I got my Sight Mark Wraith 4K Max and the Hog Light 66 LRX put on my Predator Pursuit AR. From what I saw last evening looking across the lake here that I live on I may be able to shoot 200 yds over bait. I dont think I would like it for calling trying to pick up a moving coyote but over bait at 100-200 yds it should be fine.
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I have two barrels of bait coming today. I cant put any on the lake as we still dont have safe ice. But, my buddy has a nice box blind on his food plot where I can put out a bait.
My other buddies that killed 8 in two weeks with their ATN missed 5 last week. They cant get the ATN to hold zero. I had a ATN Thor 3 years ago and hated it. I did recommend to them that they stay away from ATN but here we are.

Pmack, I believe three coyotes on the bait all at once would get my heart to flopping around. Just seeing one gets me fired up.

Scalloper, hate to hear about the ATN problems. That is frustrating at the least. Pulsar Trails (some of them) had the same issue of not holding zero. Seems that some ATN’s are good and others aren’t. My 4k Pro digital has been going strong for close to 4 years now. It may be “luck of the draw.”
Congrats to pmack for the dead one, and thanks for the video.

Well, lighting struck twice in the same spot. I got my 2nd confirmed kill at the new camp last night.
Nice size male 2 pointer came in about 7:00 and did the bang flop. Video coming this evening.

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Congratulations to all, especially Week who has worked so hard to get a productive location. Glad you're in them buddy. This is about the time of year my bait pile usually starts to produce, but it hasn't happened so far.

Anybody heard from Gobbler Getter this year?

Nice going, Week. Good to see the new place starting to pay off. This has been the slowest of the last three seasons for me.
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
This has been the slowest of the last three seasons for me.

David mine has gone the other way, I've had more action than ever before with very little effort. They are coming into picked over deer carcasses from October/November. I just had a guy drop off 3 road kills and I leave for a week in Florida on Saturday. I hope 10 days or so they get pretty comfortable and complacent.