
Hoosier, that was one heck of a nice shot.

Week, you are covered up with 'em.

A coyote has been hitting my bait fairly regularly for a while, but weather has prevented me from hunting. We have had rain, snow and ice lately, fog too not to mention very cold temps. Supposed to be around zero F tonight, but a slight warming trend appears to be coming. I need to get down to the farm and re-bait soon.



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Last couple nights -15 and -20 temps plus wind. Checked a bait this morning and the deer has been hit. I put the 22-250 barrel/bolt on my TC dimension, had some of the old Nosler 52 match hp loaded up for it. Sighted it in today. A balmy 5 degrees, moved the heater to the popup blind. Going to sit tonight. Been running the 20 cals, decided to bump up a bit, see if the additional noise(still shooting suppressed) makes any difference.
Having some action at the bait site my self early this morning and this evening but by time I slip boots and jacket on and out the back door It's already gone.. hopefully it comes in and stays for a few mins this next time.


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Nothing showed the other night. When we have minimal snow cover the coyote are very irregular hitting baits. I got a brand new to me farm invite. So I took a road kill out to where I want to start a bait. I setup and called for an hour hoping one was nearby. No visitors. Got home and a pic hit the phone, where I sat the other night 5:30-9pm. So windy that night my heater repeatedly blew out.
I can’t keep the alarm on, daytime it’s crows and buzzards, nighttime it’s a steady stream of red and grey fox. I waited up on this coyote till 2:30am so I was still asleep when he showed up.
Hoosier and Week, good you are having some hits.

I have stayed at the shack for the last three consecutive nights. Early this morning at 0225 a coyote tripped my sensor. I turned the monitor on to see what was there. He was not sure about being there, looked at the shack and then left. He was gone by the time I got to the rifle. He didn’t like something.

Also, yesterday morning as I was riding the 4-wheeler out, I saw coyote tracks in the fresh snow we got earlier in the day, skirting the field edge at the bait site. He was within feet of the bait while I was in the shack, but he would not commit. I have a feeling this coyote may be one of the pair that got away when I shot his buddy back in December. Recently there was a crippled coyote on the bait, so there are at least two that been coming. I plan to hunt again tonight.

Spot, that was bad timing on that one showing up after you left. Hopefully that road kill will hold him and give you an opportunity. I need a road kill. I believe it would seal the deal, especially with all this snow and cold weather we have had.
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I had/have coyote showing up 8-9 and again at 3-5am. I sat from sunset to 9pm 2 nights no shots. Last night I headed out after On Patrol Live. On the way pic hits my phone. So I park 1/2 mile away and try to sneak in(LIGHT wind, noisy snow). 2 coyote in the next field. Get in the blind, dose off on my new heated seat cushion. Phone on vibrate doesn't wake me up for the coyote at 2:17am. I must have been snoring, it didn't hang around. At 3am, I was checking my phone notification, wondering how I didn't get awakened earlier. While messing with the phone I get a pic. I turn scope on, rifle on tripod aimed at bait, a few seconds and there she is. I didn't take time to start recording as the coyote was looking my way. No exit with the 22-250.
Good job, Spot. Sounds like technical equipment messed up on the first one, but you made good of the hunt. Nice going.
The photo is deceiving, only some snow in fence lines/shady areas. Without snow its nearly impossible to see the coyote in the worked corn/bean ground at night. There is a male coyote in the area I really want, has a coat much longer than "average" coyote. Last winter saw him once, called him in with 2 others at night(You Make The Call thread) shot the wrong one. Have seen him twice during the day and at night he wouldn't come into calls. I believe he was the one at the bait when I tried to sneak in last night.
Cell phone sent me a notification of a coyote at the bait site again, I was able to sneak in close enough to take the shot..goat carcass is pretty much down to bones, I've also added several buckets of fresh bluegill scraps after we cleaned them these last few days of ice fishing but I believe the coons are really enjoying the fish compared to the coyotes..


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Burn and Hoosier, congrats to both of you. I am back at the shack tonight, hoping one of those coyotes return. It’s definitely a cat and mouse game in being here when they are.
Way to keep the pressure on them guys. I haven't been posting much on this thread as most of my coyote hunting has shifted towards calling at night at a few local cattle farmer's properties. I've been playing cat-and-mouse with a few coyotes at one local property where coyotes killed the farmer's wife's lap dog a few weeks ago. Since then I've shot at 2 coyotes on the property. Both ~100 yds. Both looked like pretty good shoulder shots in the recorded video, but both sounded like misses and the coyotes ran off. In-between those two "misses", I killed 2 coyotes at a different property at about 200 yds. Go figure....

I have a mostly-burried pile of deer scraps in my back yard about 100 yds from the house. 2 nights ago a coyote visited twice. around 2am and again around 3am at different cameras on my property. I had a hard time sleeping that night, felt like i was awake half the night....and go figure I slept sound right through the alarms both times. Ugh. Yesterday afternoon I was working in my yard around noon and my phone buzzed. I checked it a few minutes later and it was a coyote entering my property! I ran in the house and grabbed my wife's .243 and a couple shells. I hurried down the driveway to where I had a view of where the coyote came in. I didn't see anything. I started making some squeeks on a catnip mouth predator call. Still nothing. So after a couple minutes I start walking down the driveway to where the coyote entered. Still nothing. Then I hear our guinea foul chickens start making alarm sounds (they are about 200 yds from where I'm at, through the trees and over a small hill). I ran through some trails back up to my back yard where I'd have a view towards the chickens, and also of another trail on the property that runs into the woods where coyotes often travel and also where the deer scraps are burried. By the time I got up there the chickens went quiet. The sun was shining bright and there was pretty severe contrast between sunlit areas and shadows in the trees. I didn’t see any sign of the coyote. I made a couple kitten-cry sounds with the catnip squeeker, and almost immediately a coyote popped around a corner at about 100 yds in the woods. Due to the light contrast I still had a hard time making him out. I zoomed the 3-9 scope from 3 to 6 and then I could see it clearly. I was squatting, bracing off a tree, but a little shaky from running up the hill, and I didn’t want to miss. So I risked a little movement and sat down, crossed my legs, and braced my elbows on my knees and my left hand and the rifle on the tree. This gave a pretty solid rest. The coyote moved a little bit when it saw my movement, but stayed where I could see it. It paused for a moment quartering towards me, and I didn’t hesitate. I let the 75gr vmax fly. The rifle is suppressed and I heard a solid impact. I think I blinked and by the time I opened my eyes the coyote was gone from view. I walked out there and it was laying right where I shot it. To my surprise, there was no exit, and no blood anywhere. It’s chest cavity felt like a water-balloon though. When I shot the coyote it was about 5-10 feet from the hole where the deer scraps were, and there was fresh dig marks around and into the deer scraps.

In the past 2 years I’ve shot about 50 coyotes with thermal, and only 2 or 3 with a daytime scope. It surprised me how foreign it felt looking at a coyote through a daytime scope yesterday.