
Week, I imagine it was jello. Hard to believe there was no exit from the 25-06. Apparently the Blitz King is very fragile at that velocity. Hopefully I will have more examples to make a more conclusive determination.

I like your photo. It’s always exciting to see multiples.
I have had multiple pairs show up and shot several doubles. Friday night I had several(at least 4 possibly 6) sound off from the bait site at my brothers, I was in the house asleep. No bait was left and it was very foggy, plus I had a funeral the next morning so I wasn't in the new shed.
Well my last roadkill deer didn't work out well. Put it out on a farm I have baited before, stopped there today to see if the coyote were working it. The farmer and his wife told me it was all gone by Sat.(put the deer out Wed. afternoon). The wife told me she has been throwing out left over ham meals near where I put the deer, now I know why the coyote found it and consumed it so fast. Holiday ham meal leftovers were their appetizers. Need to find more bait, as our fogging, warm nights are forecast to be gone with cold weather coming.
Holiday ham meal leftovers was exactly what I put out today, along with corn, sweet potato casserole, beef etc. Had a coyote make one pass last night in the hayfield above the old bait site. It or another one left droppings at the new site. Neither cell cam or regular cam got any photos. Crazy how cameras behave sometimes. Out of four cameras, only one got one photo.
Guess I'll join in if it's OK. This is my second year with a bait pile. I use road kill Deer. Our night time season starts Dec 1st. Last year I had 2 sites one with a cell phone camera and one at a Cabin I could sleep at with a driveway sensor. This year I'm only using the game camera site. So far 2 coyotes Dec 2nd, 1possum & 1 coyote Dec 15th, 4 possums Dec 17th, 1 skunk & 1 coyote Dec 20th, 4 coyotes & 1 possum Dec 22nd, & 3 possums Dec 27. This year as last year at the game camera site I've had trouble with Bobcats. Last year I had 3 different cats eating my bait. I did kill one in the daytime last year as it's not legal to take at night in KY. This year I have 2 cats feeding on the bait. They will keep the coyotes off the bait as long as they're around. On the 4 dog night I left at 9:00 thinking surely there will be no more tonight. Before I got to the house at 9:26 I got a pic of a coyote feeding on the bait. He could have been #5! Since the 4 dog 1 possum night I've only had 2 coyote feeding pics and they have been around 3 AM two different nights. We've had pretty warm weather here. It's gonna cool down in the next couple weeks. Maybe with that and breeding season starting my area will fill back up. If I can figure how to post pics I'll share some footage. Thanks great site for info.
Welcome to the thread flow. Just wondering what kind of set up you have at your cell cam site? Are you in a blind or sitting in a stand, or...? Do you have a way to sit or stay all night with a battery powered driveway alarm? Buddy heater? Just curious, if I read your post right. You're on the right track with deer carcasses. Beaver and muskrats are great as well if you know some trappers. Keep us posted.
At the game camera site I sit in a factory built 6x4 deer blind. I shoot a suppressed 6x6.8 AR. Hornady 58gr Vmax @ 3370. I use Bearing Optics thermals. A Phenom to scan with and a Super YOTER R 3-12x50 on the gun. If I turn my cell phone on silent my Apple Watch vibrates when something triggers the camera so I really don’t have to scan but I generally do every 5 to 8 minutes. I think my dry spell may be over. I had 4 coyotes and 2 possums hit the bait last night, so I’ll be in the box tonight. We got some cold and bad weather coming so it’s gonna get hungry outside. Today I’m putting a metal dog feeder filled with corn at the site. My buddy has been wearing the coons out with this method at his bait site. I used to only shoot turkey egg eaters when I got ready to leave, so I wouldn’t alert the coyotes. But now anything that eats at the bait dies if legal to shoot. No free lunches. It’s doesn’t seem to effect the coyote kill ratios. Thanks for letting me share. Good hunting!
Flowj, good to have new posters. Sounds like you have your setup dialed in. Here I can only use the NV/thermal for coyote and fox. Hay farmers always ask me to shot oppossm but can't. To post pics, I sign in to the site on my phone and use the drop image icon to load a pic from my phone. Videos are probably the wrong format to load from phone, would need to download to computer to change format or posting on YT or other site and link. I think I have that correct.
Flowj, welcome to the Baiting thread. We are glad to have you. There are a lot of good guys here, and a wealth of information about baiting. We look forward to your input, photos and videos. We learn from each other.
OK see if this works. Best night so far 4 C 1 P. Total since Dec. 1 Season start. Meals on wheels! Handy road kill rack. This old back likes this rig. Next I'll try and figure how to get thermal video up.


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Deer under about 125# I just throw up on to the tailgate. I do have a large sled(flip over ice fishing shelter sled) that I use for large bait, I have loaded a 300# frozen pig by myself. It is getting harder I turn 65 this year.
The wife doesnt care but I'm probably considered the village idiot in my town when seen scraping some flattened animal off the pavement and throwing it in the truck bed. Actually I get better coyote response from Ol' Roy dog food and various table scraps than road kill so its not really a priority for me. One of these days I might stake down a deer and see how it works