06, in the absence of roadkill are you using other stuff for bait?
Yes. In deer season a local meat market gives me trimmings. I cut the scrap pieces into 1” cubes or so, place them in freezer bags and in an old freezer in my storage building. I scatter the small pieces around the bait site. That keeps a coyote’s nose searching for the next tidbit. Unless staked down, larger pieces would be carried off. I have had good results with this method over the years. I also use table scrap meat.
I hunt from my heated shack as most of you know. I have a comfortable bunk and warm propane-heated room, which surely makes hunting more comfortable. The heater has a thermostat and operates on a 20# tank. When the alarm sounds I turn on a small monitor at the head of my bed that is hooked to a security camera to see what is there. If it’s a coyote I turn off all sensor receivers, lights etc. As mentioned, coyotes have great hearing, and as Spot said, even a firing pin striking can be heard. I squeezed the trigger one time on an AR that didn’t fully seat the round. I had to recycle the round, and the coyote instantly stopped and looked my way.
A solar system operates all my 12 volt DC devices as well as security camera, monitor, overhead lights, and a lamp at the head of the bed. I even have a 15” TV. I don’t get a signal for TV stations, but the built in DVD player allows me to watch movies. A single 100 watt panel and 20 amp charge controller along with a 100 amp AGM battery supplies all the power I need.
As to distances for shooting, I have been killing coyotes at the 60 yard site for the last 13 years. Just this year I extended the distance to a measured 82 yards, not due to coyotes not coming to the 60 one, but rather to better take advantage of the contour of the land and the field / brush edge. The 82 yard site is straight on past the 60 yard one and just slightly right. I bait both sites. The security camera sees both sites.
The furthest i have shot a coyote there is 130 yards, and only one time as he was up in the hay field. One other time I got one at 90 yards, and the rest have been at closer ranges even down to about 45-50 yards. Not sure how coyotes might respond to the sight of a house vs. my shack.