I know exactly what you’re talking about with the tail. I see it frequently up here in NY. I see the rubbing on the backs between the shoulders as well. I read about it once trying to figure it out for myself. I was told a bunch of different things from people that knew more than me, and I’m still not sure. I was told everything from Lice & mange, to them hunting in briar thickets and denning in culvert tubes! Lol.. apparently the metal tube would rub their shoulders going in and out. Plausible I guess in very rare cases, but they aren’t denning year round and if they were hitting culvert tubes that consistently I would change my hunting tactics!If you look at the tail on my coyote there is obviously something wrong with it. There are no guard hairs at all only the gray under fur. I know the picture is not clear but does anyone know what I am talking about and know what this condition is? Mites maybe? I see it pretty often. Ruins the pelt if I was to want to keep it.
Congrats spot on another one to the dead pile.