Trail Cam Pics?

These ain’t S Texas deer, but they pretty good ones for down here. Both got a pass this year. These are after season pics.

This guys right side shed measured 71”

This one got seriously run down during the rut. He had the split and a drop tine the previous year, but broke the drop prior to archery season. Last year he kept the split. Hoping he has the split this year.
I harvested an old warrior this time last year, second photo shows him as he lay when I walked up and first photo was what I discovered when I turned him over. 243 with Hornaday 58 gr vmax.
Amazing how resilient coyotes are. I’ve had 3 different 3 legged coyotes on camera. 2 with rear leg gone and 1 with front leg below elbow gone.
Deer are the same way. I just shake my head whenever I see someone post a picture of a wounded deer and everyone replies, "put it down".
I had a doe hanging around a few years back missing lower front leg. Seen her a few times right out my back window trying to paw through the snow with no front leg. Between coyotes and snow I doubt she survived the winter.
Here’s a trailcam pic of yours truly with a down to the wire muzzleloader 8 pt that wanted to come home with me! Where’s friends when you could use them! Lol.

I live/hunt in an area with a very high deer density. I always have people asking to go hunting with me. I usually tell them, I will take you and you can shoot as many does as you legally can. They always reply, "what about bucks". Then I say, nope, no bucks. That usually ends the conversation pretty quick. I'm not spending all that money for land, seeds, tractor, fuel, etc. to just let everyone come and kill my bucks.