NYS Coyote Hunters


Did he look like a youngster ?

Early season is usually full of coyotes that get nailed, and most of the video's claim that they're the young ones. "Young & stupid" is usually the words they use....maybe so, but it's exciting as hell to see one never the less.
Usually when it's off season, or during season when you don't have a gun.

The biggest one we saw last year was a HUGE male walking across an open field while we were heading from one spot to another. As soon as I stopped the truck and scurried into position behind him, he had already made 300yds. on me and never offered a clear shot. Sadly just watched glimpses of him as he passed through small openings. GRRRRRRR!

Guessing....that male was in the 60+lb range. Heavy coat, and real stocky look. Dennis was in awe, as was I.

Good luck......soon, very soon.

Take care,

I can't say for sure. I will say that he/she looked very healthy. Nice size too.

The brush is thick.

The photo shows where I was.

If you look at the trail. I was standing in the gravel on the right side of the pics. He popped out about in the center of the pic where the gravel transitions to brush. This area is usually loaded with fox tracks.

To the right there's big swamp and pond. Up the hill to the left is hardwoods then it turns into overgrown pasture. Real thick brush.

This is one of those transition areas where 4 types of cover come together. I've even seen a bear there twice. All just out my back door.

Here's the spot:


Okay......now you're just teasing....!

You know I'm an old fart, or getting there anyway, and you get me all worked up just to drop a postage stamp sized photo on me....now that's just wrong.....LOLOLOLOL

Here wait.....let me get my magnifying glass outta the drawer...............

Oh yeah....now I see it.....hahahaha

Looks good and right out the back door to boot....nice.
If you're seeing them that close to home, why waste the gas, right ?

You never know, he might be local and out waiting for you when the season opener happens.


Take care,
Sorry about that pic. I took it with the video camera and when I tried to post it I kept getting that message about it being toooooo big to post. By the time I got done editing it in PhotoBucket that's what it came out as.

Maybe that was my personal nemesis coyote. He sort of had that smirk that said "na na na, you'll never get me". I mean I don't hunt that way, why did he have to be so hurtful? LOL Yeah ,it's been a long summer.

Only a couple of weeks to go. Got two or three more spots to gain access to. Folks around here are glad to let you thin out coyotes.

Oh, this came into a squirrel distress call:



If I saw that thing lite on my shoulder, I'd probably be slipping in my own fecal matter trying to get out of the woods.........

Cool shot!
He has got to be the stud of the bird feeder!

Man, I sure wish I lived upstate come this time of year to get some serious scouting done...

do you ever hunt in/around Bear Spring Mt. campground?
I remember walking through there as a kid with my uncle before the season. I think that is a good bit of state land in there.

P.S....we loaded up with tuna & tiles again last weekend....and two swordfish!

Hey Fred,

Save me a couple of tuna steaks. They're one of my favorites. Can't stand buying them in the stores though.

Never hunted down that far. My area is farther north and to the west. I know you pass my exits on the way to Cortland. If you pass Roscoe on RT 17 turn north there. I'm about 30 miles (40 minutes) from Roscoe.

Got a new place to hunt. In fact I've got a few places that I need to scout. Took some pics book photobucket is shrinking them too small. Is there some FREE software they offer?

Use this software for resizing
image resizer
I got the link from here on PM in the Photo Gallery. There is a tutorial that shows how to set everything up.
It is free and works well.
Resize your pics to 600x400 and they will work fine here.

Buy fish?
I got you covered...

I see some of these guys have already shot their first coyotes of the year. Not from NY but some states not so far away. Sort of wish our season was open. ;-( Only 16 more days. Yippee. I'm so bad at it, I should probably start now and by the time the season is open I'll close to putting my time in for a kill. LOL

Think I'll be scouting this weekend for a few hours on Saturday. May take a 22 for plinkin.


Don't discount yourself partner......

Like I've said before, I think a lot of folks are doing more right than wrong. They're just gauging themselves unjustly because of the lack of results.
Maybe their hunting technique is fine, which I believe, and their choice of hunting locations, or scouting needs work.

Don't know though...after last years results....who am I to talk ?

Go hang out in the woods.....right or wrong, it's the best place to be.

Take care,
freebm; That thing looks like it drank water out of Onondoga Lake. Well, at least now the crows have competition. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-006.gif
Yes, Danurve.....I remember Onondaga Lake.....the old days of Allied Chemical dumping into it, and the one or two times I swam in the nearby river......yuk.

If your from the CNY area, and someone mentions that lake, we all know exactly what you mean.....

Salina Town Dump (long since closed) up near Mattydale was another of my favorite (yukky) spots when I was a kid. Obtained a lot of my first hunting skills there when they'd burn the dump and the rats would be running all over.....
Fishing in Ley Creek......back then it was supposedly polluted....I can only imagine what it's like now. Never ate them.....just catch & release naturally.....puke!

Wow so you guys are the ones I should be talking too. I live between Honeoye and Naples and I pred hunt all over the place from Hi-Tor to Mt Morris to Prattsburg and beyond. Well that was all in one night the only time I've gone yote hunting. What stuff should I have and do for the best results??

the small game guy
Welcome Smallgameguy, /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

You've come to the right place. There are some real sharpies here. I think you've got the first part right, talking to the guys here can give you a lot of insight.

There's another good site for NY predator hunters too. Just Google " bark at the moon coyote" and you'll find it.

Good luck and ya got to be in it to win it. Observation time in the woods is hard to beat. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
Welcome smallgameguy,

Well, like Perri said, you're in the right spot for info.
Probably one of the better places on the net anyway.

As far as coyote location, you live in great territory.
If you're new to it all, a lot of questions go unanswered for a long time, that is if you base your calling ability on the amount of coyotes you net every year.
There's a method to it all, but I almost think it's more geographical at times. I think you can watch the coyote films from out west, and their methods on how they hunt them, but when applied up here in the northeast, you're constantly asking yourself, "what am I doing wrong ?".

Actually, other than maybe a few small mistakes guys make, they're doing very little wrong when it comes to their calling. Stealth is key, and scent control is as equally important, if not a very close second. Getting in to the area's unseen and quietly, along with a good concealed calling spot is paramount.
As long as it's realtively mild, hunt facing into the wind. If the wind's blowing too hard...I usually don't go out. Normally coyotes will try and circle you and come in from the downwind side, so if you position yourself half expecting this, many times you can nail one off of your flanks trying to circle.

Like I said, many knowledgible guys here and more than willing to help.

Take care,
Just had a nice experience.

I live on a oil and stone 1 1/2 lane rural road. On the way back to town this evening at 7:15pm , I came around a bend and to my surprise what do I see SITTING in the road???

Not one but two ................. bobcats. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif Yip. At first I thought they were little foxes. But I quickly saw they were cats. I rolled to a stop at the other side of the road. They strolled into the ditch and up the bank. I'm scrambling for the camera and trying to keep an eye on them. That's when I see momma cat sitting just on the other side of the stone fence. I got the camera out but wasn't able to get good pics. D*nm!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smiliesmack.gif

I've seen a fair number of coyotes since the end of the season and that makes 6 bobcats. Man I hope I can see this much game during the season. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif

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I don't know Perri.....

I'f they are like the critter's around here, they just do that to get you going.
When season opens, they're usually nowhere to be found.

I'll bet they've got little calender's hung on the walls of their den's with opening day marked with a skull & crossbones........lol.

We've been seeing a lot of sign, and about a month back, a huge male with a red coat. Very big, considering they don't even have their winter coat's yet. It's about time to make a few "midnight runs" with the howler and see what we can get going.

Take care,
Hello to All,
Being new to this coyote hunting I need some advice from you guys who have done this before. I have been hearing some young pups down in the creek bottom that runs down to the lake across the street. Have been hearing them at dusk and late at nite also. They just yelp for a little while then there done.
My question is what would be the best way to start after these youngsters? What calls should I start with etc? Any advice would greatly be appreciated.
Welcome to the board Wayne....

A great place for coyote info.....

I haven't seen many pups out so far this year. They've gotta be getting good size right about now. They breed in Feb & March, and gestation takes about 60days. So, being born in May & early June, they're usually kicked out of the dens around November/December.
Females have litters anwhere from 7 to 10 pups depending, so it doesn't take long, with no hunting, to have them trotting across your backyard.

I kind of believe the statements that a lot of the early coyotes taken are the young & stupid one's. Probably one reason why early season is so plentiful for some. Another point can also be considered that it's early season period....and they haven't been shot at for some time.
Most older coyotes still are vary wary animals, and they can usually see you, or smell you, long before you even know they are around.

One thing you can do to play with those pups is to use a howler on them, and being young & dumb, they'll more than likely chime right in.
Watching with binoculars, I've had some young ones out last year and saw them circling an area just inside the edge of a large wooded area at about 350yds. After a few minutes, they went behind a log and disappeared. Figuring that a den was behind that log, I used an old worn diaphragm turkey call and mimic'd a pup whine. It didn't take them 2 seconds and they were right back out searching for the sound. They stayed close to the den, but were going nuts, whimpering, whining and howling with short yips. Real funny to watch, until mom popped over a knoll behind them. She got to the den and they started running around her all excited, and headed into the den to stay.

I probably enjoy seeing them in their natural environment, and during their normal course of business, as I do hunting them. Sometimes more.

Take care,
Hey Guys,

Was returning from a fishing trip (did well!) yesterday afternoon and while between the towns of Ashland and Windham in Greene county saw something huge in a clover strip between two cornfields. Asked my son did he see it and he said yes, looked like a black bale of hay to him???

Turned around and stopped the car. This time it was standing broadside to us. No doubt about it. It was a nice sized black bear. Got the binocs and watched it mill around for at least 5 miuntes. Even at that distance it looked very large. I'm guessing 300 lbs or so. The bears I've seen up close dead and alive have been between 125 and 350 pounds. This one looked more like the larger ones. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bowingsmilie.gif

It's been a good summer as far as spotting game. Hope this type of luck holds through the hunting season. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif