Cougar Calling this year

Gear all loaded up, ready to roll. Whenever i wake up to the neighbor dog barking at some imaginary foe (usually about 4am) ill toss some firewood in my truck, hook up the trailer, load up the quad, and off i go.
No luck so far, nothing but a few bob and one set of yote tracks. No luck calling. But my neighbor dog didnt disappoint yesterday, 4:04am, woke me up barking. Such a reliable sentinel. Her barking sounded a lot more serious than usual, i figured there was really something she smelled that freaked her out. So i shined my big spotlight out front and didnt see anything. But later that day got a dink bull moose on the cell cam in my driveway. Moose arent commom visitors on my property. Once a year on average id say. Thats probably what had her riled up.
Finally getting out. Had to drive all the way up to the selkirk unit to hunt cats because of our ridiculous new cougar rules. More snow up here than i thought there would be, and i forgot to bring my gaiters. Kickin myself in the ass for that one. No luck today. Opted to get a motel room outside metaline falls for tonight rather than sleep in the bed of my truck. Ill be hitting it hard tomorrow starting at daybreak. Totally unfamiliar territory for me up here. Just going off satellite imagery to find places to hunt. Hopefully the area im going to tomorrow is as i expect it to be. Hope to get a few good stands in.
Well, pretty lame up there. Real good looking habitat with minimal deer / elk tracks and zero moose sign despite all the wax leaf ceanothus, moose love that stuff. No idea why theres not more animals up there. Only predator tracks i found were bobcat and i covered some miles hoping to cut lion tracks. Going back out monday, this time with my gaiters, to a spot about 30 miles south of there. Havent been there since maybe 2017 or 2019, but back then at least the area was absolutely loaded with wintering deer. Hopefully thats still the case. Ill find out monday.
I'm dreading big changes due to overpredation up there... hopefully that hasn't started yet.
Man this winter is a joke. Tons od bare ground and patchy snow. Very little snow in the forecast, but im hoping for the best and planning on hauling my quad over to 113 on friday, camping out, and having some freshsnow saturday mkrning so i can jam arounfd. On my quad looking for freshtracks. Not feeling every optimistic. May be screwed until i get home from alaska end of january