Cougar Calling this year

Gear all loaded up, ready to roll. Whenever i wake up to the neighbor dog barking at some imaginary foe (usually about 4am) ill toss some firewood in my truck, hook up the trailer, load up the quad, and off i go.
No luck so far, nothing but a few bob and one set of yote tracks. No luck calling. But my neighbor dog didnt disappoint yesterday, 4:04am, woke me up barking. Such a reliable sentinel. Her barking sounded a lot more serious than usual, i figured there was really something she smelled that freaked her out. So i shined my big spotlight out front and didnt see anything. But later that day got a dink bull moose on the cell cam in my driveway. Moose arent commom visitors on my property. Once a year on average id say. Thats probably what had her riled up.