Man this winter is a joke. Tons od bare ground and patchy snow. Very little snow in the forecast, but im hoping for the best and planning on hauling my quad over to 113 on friday, camping out, and having some freshsnow saturday mkrning so i can jam arounfd. On my quad looking for freshtracks. Not feeling every optimistic. May be screwed until i get home from alaska end of januaryI'm dreading big changes due to overpredation up there... hopefully that hasn't started yet.
Welcome aboard WM, Slagiatt and others will be happy to hear of your encounters, so let us know how you're doing. Oh yeah, everybody here loves pics, videos or both!New member, here. A little background: I grew up in Clearwater Co., ID. I live in Western Montana and worked for several years in Whitman Co., Stevens Co, and Ferry Co., WA. I still work in Stevens Co.
I'm posting here because I couldn't find the "New Members" section. Also, my first dedicated predator calling hunt, (winter of 2015) ruined me. I called in a 140lb tom in about 15 minutes, down in the Blues. I've been hooked on calling mountain lions ever since. I've hunted alot with hounds and I still love it, but calling opened a new experience for me.
So far, no luck this year, but I've been out only twice.
Thanks!Man, that's great! Calling in a lion is a dream hunt for me.
Welcome to Predator Masters!
Hey, don't underestimate the Mini-14. I have 2 and one has been accurized as it is one of the older models with the little pencil barrel. It sure shoots well and many a coyote and hog has fallen from it and the Hornady 55gr Vmax. The other is the later Target model which came with a cumbersome, heavy "tuner" which I immediately removed. It performs well without all that weight.Thanks!
Well, this is one of the few photos I have of him. The story is longer than the hunt. I used my Mini-14 (the stainless A-Team, folding stock original, BTW) and a cheap Primos call I borrowed from a buddy. I don't remember the grain or brand of ammo/bullets. He came in to under 30 yards, to jackrabbit in distress. The landowner was a friend and mentor of mine. When he saw the success, he bought a CD and handheld call from Rainshadow. I'm not sure what happened to the handheld call though.
I absolutely love my Mini-14. I bought it from my dad when I was 12.....hey, reznecks gonna do rezneck things. I've won more than a few bets of "bet you can't hit that [insert name of animal] with that Mini-14." That lion I shot definitely heard the safety "click" forward on that rifle. I know, it was a rookie mistake and I could have taken it off safe without the sound, but I was a bit focused on the critter.Hey, don't underestimate the Mini-14. I have 2 and one has been accurized as it is one of the older models with the little pencil barrel. It sure shoots well and many a coyote and hog has fallen from it and the Hornady 55gr Vmax. The other is the later Target model which came with a cumbersome, heavy "tuner" which I immediately removed. It performs well without all that weight.
I wish I could send you some of ours! We have more than enough here! I've made very few stands and it is tough going, with no responses.Still zero snow in the forecast, this is crazy. Real cold though. Ill be home from alaska around the end of the month and intend to head back to pend orielle county to try some more, but itll probably be nasty crunchy old snow. Weird winter.