Question for my fellow lion hunters: do lions regularly cross rivers in non-pursuit circumstances? In other words, do lions regularly, as part of their home territorial circuit, incorporate a river or do they generally make a river the boundary of their territory? I've had lions cross creeks while being pursued by hounds, but I know very little about lion habits in non-pursuit settings.
What prompted this question: on Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025, I was headed over to Idaho/EWA for work. I saw a lion run up into the brush, as I was cruising along the Lochsa on HWY 12. Previously, I had seen tracks in the area on the highway-side of the river, so that made sense to see a lion on the highway-side. In case you are wondering, I did not stop. I was horribly unprepared and didn't have time to stop, kill the lion, and still make it to my dinner meeting. But to the point: on my left, was the Lochsa River and on the other side of that is the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. In developing an idea of this particular lion's pattern, should I cross the river to look for tracks? Does it matter? The river is exceptionally low, but it would still be a mofo to cross.