
Sure fooled me, too, Bud.
OK baiters, in the blind since dark, steady rain last hour and will be till after midnight. How does rain affect your coyote activity at the baits?
Well with my luck you never know. I been having trouble getting a coyotes to come to bait. I had baits set up 90 yards from my house, but I thinking it was too close to the house. I moved things a week ago. I had one come in and sniff last night 1:30 am and came back at 4:50am. I am hoping tonight he comes back. I am set up much closer than I want to be. It's in wooded area and i can't get as far away as i would like and need good wind to try it. hopefully I can pull it off.
Yep, if you are a possum hunter then hunt rainy nights. Don’t know what it is about the rain but they like it. As to rain and coyote hunting, I’m with 22mag.

NewYork, hope you get that one.
I had a pretty exceeding sit! I was planning to sit from midnight to 3am. About 2:45 I decide to give it to 3:30 . Rain cam in about that time. Now it is a ice storm. well glad i didn't get out at 3 because at 3:03 coyote comes. I never did get the shot. he never came all the way to bait. seems to be a problem I am having. I have limit shooting angles from the blind because of backdrop. I need to get him right at bait or very close. I had brightness turned way down and it resulted in a dark video even know what I was seeing is scope was plenty bright enough. He comes in and skirts the bait. When he goes out of sight to left of blind, I figured maybe he winded me. I guess not as he did come back 2 more times but will not come all the way in. Maybe he heard me breathing so hard.LOL I am set up right on top of him. (no other place in the woods) I think I am hooked. This is the first coyote I seen threw the thermal and to be within 35 yards just gets my blood going. I heard some sounds last night. You can hear them at 2:14 in video. can anyone confirm what they are? I am thinking red fox. when the coyote hears them, he stopes dead and then trots that direction. I am getting closer and having fun, One of these nights I might actually get him.
I have never had a coyote come in to feed during rain(I only hunt over bait in the winter). Even heavy fog, wet snow usually results in no action. Wet fur loses its insulating quality. When snow cover is thin, above freezing temps, dirt showing in fields. Coyote seem to show up after the temp drops below freezing after sunset, they don't like muddy feet. Once the dirt crusts up they go on the move.
New York, I believe that’s a red fox barking.

As to your bait site, is it possible or practical to remove some underbrush / saplings as well as a strategic tree or two? If so, that could increase your chance of getting a shot. As well, coyotes in general are nervy and don’t stop moving for very long, so you pretty much have to be ready to shoot when they do stop.

Also, what type of sensor are you using? Does the sensor emit a glow when activated? Just trying to consider possibilities to enhance your bait site.

There are some IR trail cams with 940 lights in them. also, some motion driveway alarms not sure how they work but appear to have no IR lights at least they don't show up in videos. attached are two videos from the night before a I started hunting him. I been watching and I can't see where the cameras are spooking him at all. I was using a coyote sucker made with dead fox parts and pip fat. they seem to have a strong fox smell. I got thinking maybe that was my problem and have removed that. now there just a frozen dead deer. He has been to that deer twice however have not chewed on it. There are also chucks of pig fat laying around. as far as Detection I have a cell came there also. But when I am hunting gun is on tripod pointed at bait and i live streaming to my phone watch is at bottom of blind. I just watch the phone for movement. I considered pulling all electronics but of course then I never know when he comes in unless I there. I starting to wonder if a frozen deer is more than he wants to bite into. with the cold weather you would think he take anything he can get. I try again tonight wind chills well below zero.

When I use a whole deer/pig for bait I make sure the the rear ham is opened up. Coyote here start at the back ham and feed forward. I like bait that can't be dragged or carried off. Small pieces that can be swallowed at the site are fine, bones will often be carried away to be chewed on. It seems when I hear different groups around the bait/blind area the more movement there is at the bait(coyote reluctant to stand at the bait). When temps are cold enough to freeze a carcass solid, activity can slow down until temp rise making it easier to bite off chunks.
Spot, I too have noticed when using a road kill deer that bobcats and coyotes always start in the hind quarters.

New York, I had a problem before with my sensors. Most have a light inside and when a coyote triggers it, the sensor illuminates inside the plastic housing which can be seen. It took me a while to figure why coyotes were so nervous and wouldn’t commit to the bait. You might check your sensors to see if they illuminate. If they do, you can open up the case and coat the little light bulb inside with something that will hide the glow. I did that to all my sensors. I used an automotive gasket seal that’s in a tube and paste like. Took a tooth pick to get all areas coated. That solved my problem. Not saying that is your problem, but maybe something to consider.

By the way, that is a good trail camera view. What camera is that?
I think that noise is a young 'bigfoot' :D . Agree with 06 to the fox bark in reality. I don't know anything about baiting but believe it is acclimating to your camera lights, and you will get your chance soon if it doesn't get a snoot full.