
Way to go 06, I hope my new thermal with video will allow for some shared winter action. Going to take the varmint rifle with to Wyoming elk hunt. Going to try an elk gut pile night watch, 2 for 1 trip, hopefully.
Spot, hope you have a great trip. Looking forward to your thermal videos.

Jmeddy, yes he was. Some coyotes are very skittish and others not. They are individuals with their own particular tolerances.

HM, I have had very good success with Varmageddons in the Grendel. Haven't tried them in any other caliber. The 55 Blitz Kings in the 6mm Remington are deadly too, drops them where they stand and no exit on broadside shots. Problem is Sierra isn't producing them right now. I have been waiting a good while for them. I have a few left, maybe 30 something loaded rounds and then I'm out. I do have some 55 Varmageddons in 6mm that I haven't tried yet.
Way to go 06!! Starting out strong. Congrats!!
As far as the photos, I don't use file sharing/hosting anymore. This new software allows you to drop right into your post now. Hope I said that correctly. Just use the little picture icon or attach file feature, should drop right in.
