
He's not there yet, still shaggy looking. Gun deer season opens Sept 1. He won't last long after that based on past history at this club. I believe this is a pup. There was a mature black here at this same spot last year, but he met a deer hunters bullet.

Yep, that appears to be a larger coyote.

I had another one show up on the morning of the 25th after taking that one on the 22nd. I stayed 4 consecutive nights at the shack to no avail. I am home tonight. Will be just like him to return tonight.
Not sure if he is asking or begging for it but here goes nothing. Main issue is no open ground to call to. All I have is logging road about 125 yds of visibility. Thick on both sides.

How’s the typical wind situation for that spot and your entry and setup? Not sure about down your way but thermals are typically the biggest hurdle up here in the northeast. I have a couple setups similar to that and if there isn’t a steady breeze in my favor I don’t even try. Calm winds and I’m getting busted because of thermals pulling my scent around.

Good luck with them. I would love to get one myself. Pretty rare around me.
Completely flat ground here, not a hill for many miles. No thermals to worry about. The wind tomorrow will be in my face for approach and the coyotes are coming from the same direction as the wind usually at this spot.
I went after the black coyotes with a call last night, today was opening day of deer season with a rifle.

There have been a couple of coyotes coming to my site recently. I stayed 4 consecutive nights and nothing, then on the 5th and 6th night that I didn't hunt, there they were. So, last night was the 7th night and I hunted. The alarm sounded at 0405 in the morning and around a minute later I squeezed the trigger. He appeared to be a young coyote, probably this year's pup, and nervy. The shot looked good (considering 99% humidity) but upon examining the video it appears my hold may have been a little low. The coyote might win a medal for a good broad jump, but then he ran. I didn't recover him despite quite a bit of looking on the steep thick hillside. Sickening is the word, but we all have it at times. In the 13 years that I have been hunting from the shack, this is only the second coyote to escape. The first one was mortally wounded and barely made it through the thick laurels when I tracked it the next morning. It's anyone's guess about this one.

I used the 6.5 Grendel and 90 gr. Varmageddons, and the Pulsar Apex thermal scope. The Grendel and Varmageddons have been pure death on them, but since last year I have a couple of runners, I think due to shot placement. Broadside shots and they just drop, but at an angle or quartering I have had runners. I guess the Varmageddons are pretty fragile.

Here's the video.

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Acted like he got fragged, didn't run like there was any real leg muscle damage. As high above the bore thermal sights are, often means bullet is much lower than the reticle on close shots. Especially if the scope is zeroed at 100 yards.
I was actually zeroed at 75 yards since I have added another bait area 20-25 yards on beyond the 60 yard site. I put the rifle on sand bags this afternoon and shot at 60 yards. The impact was maybe 1/2” low and about 5/8” left. I adjusted one click and then shot center. Maybe the low point of impact and my slightly low hold “snibbed” him.

There were two coyotes coming to the bait. If this is one of them then maybe the second one will be back. I am at the shack again tonight to greet it if it does.
I don't think a half inch would make that much difference from the hold you had on the shot, but I could be wrong. I'd keep an eye open for buzzards as I think he made it to the nearest thicket and died just inside. Hope you score tonight and if you did miss, and it was a pup, he will very likely be back shortly.