Gobbler, the trail camera videos are very good, as Burn mentioned. It’s funny to watch coyotes tug and pull at the staked-down bait. I have had bobcats do the same. You ended up pretty good for the season after all. Hopefully there will be more coyotes for you next season.
DoubleUp, you and your buddy are getting into them lately.
As for me, I ended up with 8 coyotes, one trapped bobcat, one trapped raccoon, 18 possums, 13 of which were trapped, and one trapped skunk.
This summer I have plans for a solar project to keep the battery charged to power DC lights, camera and monitor, and maybe even a DC TV for a little entertainment when staying at the cabin. I don’t have electricity there, so solar can provide my energy needs. Will give me something to fiddle with in the off season.