That is a tough question. This is just my opinion only here, but, it would be really hard to know unless you have distinct physical descriptors on a specific coyote. For eye, peg leg, bob tail...something that you know is the same coyote. Most of us run trail cams at the site and are able to identify specific coyotes on occasion. I once had a frequent coyote that had a snare cable around his neck...I knew that coyote. However, I never really knew if I ever shot at him and missed. I miss coyotes, just don't know if he was one of them...if that makes sense. I was never able to see a cable through a scope...just on trail cam pics. I would say, on occasion, they may stop back at some point in the season, just hard to say a definite yes. Another scenario here...doubles or triples at the bait site. If you shoot one, will the other one or two come back at some point. I think so. It just may depend on where they are at in respect to shot impact at the site...
Maybe some others have a better insight or actual scenarios where they know a specific coyote came back...