Well, I managed to squeeze in another coyote before the month ends. DoubleUp says I have two more days to go, but I'm not sure I have any more around right now. Looks like this is finally going to wrap it up for me, unless DoubleUp knows something I don't.
Anyway, this one showed up early this morning just before 2:00 AM. He looked big on the camera monitor when I first saw him. He weighed 33#, 10 oz. and is the largest coyote I have taken in a while, maybe ever. Makes me think he might be the alpha male.
The 6.5 Grendel and 90 gr. Varmageddon did the job once again. Dropped him on the spot, so that's 5 for 5 hitting the dirt with this bullet.
There seems to be several coyotes in the area that have black genes. I get some every year that are dark colored like this.
This gives you an idea of how my bait site is set up. I have three sensors that cover the area of the bait site that borders the field.
Coyotes this year have not wanted to come down into the bait site for some reason, and have continued to skirt the border. I have
changed my tactics as a result and bait up higher now. One sensor covers the upper field while the other two the edge on both sides.
View of bait site from Cabin door.