
I think they will come back. Will be pretty cautious though. I also think it depends on if they bust you in the process. If they don’t it’s just a loud noise.

Yeah, hard to say if one will return after being shot at. Like Weekender, I don’t always recognize different coyotes without some distingushing feature. I do know that one particular coyote visited my bait site on and off over a period of two years. It was missing a right rear leg. Tripod was nervous everytime she came to the site and generally didn’t linger very long. I finally got her, but even then she was spooked right ip to the end by the IR light and camera IR.
Had another taker for free meal this am. Alarm went off at 4:15 this morning. Moon not quite straight overhead if you follow the feeding charts. Used 22-250ai with 70 Berger since that is what Photon is mounted on. DRT with small exit out of offside shoulder. Nice sized female again.

Long streak without any action around my place until tonight. I believe the last coyote I shot was back at the end of October last year. This weird/nasty looking fella has been hitting the bait pile for a few days so I decided to hunt tonight. Short hunt. About 30 minutes in the coons and a fox headed for higher ground and here's what came in. Not sure if he's got mange or just a weird looking dude. I'll take it nonetheless Was with another "normal" looking yote a few nights back but the 2nd one didnt show tonight. Ended up having to shoot just above the burn barrel that was in the way but it worked

Rem Model 7 223 with ATN 4K scope. 40gr Nosler Ballistic Tip at 3700fps (or so Nosler says)



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Congrats Burn! Mange is an ugly mess. One more thing screwed up by bureaucracy. I haven't done anything on the bait in the past few days, but did kill a couple calling. Here are the videos if anyone is interested.

Good stuff DU! Thanks

Meant to post these pics earlier of my 223 Model 7 Predator rifle. Had the barrel cut back to 16-inches and threaded for suppressor. The 4k scope was originally on my AR when I got started in this madness a few years back now. Long story short, the 4k crapped out on me about 4 months ago (was out of warranty) and I sent it back to ATN for repair. They couldnt repair it (lost its ability to see IR light) so they offered to send me a new one for $200 which I agreed to. The whole process took about 3 months to get going again so their CS is slow for sure. Anyway, I purchased a Super Hogster in the meantime and put it on my AR. Much lighter and the scope is fantastic, however I only use it so far when I hunt with my brother in law so he can confirm positive ID (he uses a 4k on his gun) on any coyote before engaging. It's just me wanting to make sure I dont wack a fox or a domestic dog since we hunt in semi-rural areas. So when I hunt by myself I use the 4k as it provides the positive ID that I require personally. Once I get some more time behind the SH it will probably be my go to rifle and the Model 7 will be my loaner/backup gun.



Excellent DU!! Great video, thanks for putting those up!
Burn, that is a nice looking set up. On that note, I just shipped my Photon RT off to TX for warranty. It gave up holding zero...bad. I had bought a Digisight N450 in the meantime, kind of anticipating sending the RT in. So far, in my limited time shooting the Digisight, I'm highly not impressed. For that kind of $$$, Not impressed. I think my Photon ran rings around it for $500. Have to play more with it however.
To save a later post: The picture is grainy. IR just as well not be on there, I took it off and added my own. Not quite as user friendly IMO, and I think I'm already seeing the reticle drifting in the screen. All this, and I'm just getting it sighted in...
BP, my hunting buddy had a digisight, and it was not a good investment to say the least. He kept it about 4 months and was disappointed every hunt. Finally gave it to his son.
Yah,I have no idea what to do. Can't really return it, it's not faulty. Could maybe sell it...I don't know. I don't like the mount either, way to high on that rail, even the AR. So invest in cheek risers, only to use a worthless scope...IDK. Could keep it and use as back up or second gun, but man, $1300 would go a long way toward a thermal. Live and learn...
BP - sounds like maybe that one should be put up for sale or slap it on a loaner rifle. Digital NV is kind of limited IMO but it works for my specific needs. Seems like the cost of the Digisight is about half way there of the cost of a decent thermal. I'm thinking about putting another 4k on a suppressed 22 one of these days to thin out some other night time critters around my place. I'm currently over run with raccoons although they dont bother me much...yet

WE - LOL sorry bro, I've already got three kids and six grandkids at last count so my AO is currently full. You're welcome to come visit anything though and we can get after 'em.

I cant kick digital too much though because I was over run with yotes about 4 years ago when I started night hunting and it sure helped thin out the herd. Very few seem to be around the last 6-8 months so perhaps I got after 'em a bit too hard but then again that was my goal. Now I find myself going out with my BIL to help thin out his area that seems to be quite yote active. I've gotta put that Super Hogster to work
No, I can't kick digital either, at all. It performs exactly what I need it to do at 200 yds. Also, ref Burns' comments on definition and identifying targets, I prefer digital. Kind of this scenario...thermal to detect way out and digital to identify when it gets close enough.I hunt with guys with thermal, it definitely has its place, for sure.
My issue is a $500 scope being 3 times better than a $1300 scope. No way to know really, until you get burned. Anyway, not a rant, just more info and verification of the Digisight product.
I am going to call Pulsar in TX and discuss things with them at some point. I'll kind of wait to see what the outcome of my warranty work is on my Photon, then make some decisions...
Will keep you posted. Glad it is not the end of November and just getting wound up!