Annual Groundhog tally for 2013

Went back out again tonight same fields as last time but only saw 3 hogs set up on the first one but never got a shot, then missed one at 250 (had the scope set for the first one
) got this one at 200

Nice head shot! I've done the same thing. You get all pumped up and you forget to slow down and take it one step at a time.
Went back out this morning to the same field that I thought I missed a hog in, pulled in and spotted about 6 buzzards out in the field took a walk out and there was the hog I thought I missed I just didn't go down the field far enough stopped one den short of where he was at.
I was pretty sure I had hit it I had a good stable shooting spot and this rifle (20-250) shoots so flat with a center hold on a hog's chest 100yrd miscalculation was still a hit.
Set up to wait for another then the farmhand showed up to spread fertilizer on the field and you don't want to be around for that. they spray liquified cow manure from a big tanker

Went to the big field set up and and spotted one at 600+ yards, while I was trying to get a good range on him another popped up a little closer so I took him first 462 yards caught it just below the shoulder longest shot so far this year which isn't saying much but so far the 20-250 is 4 for 4


shot from the far treeline straight up the field
Wow! Impressive long range stuff!! Don't get to shoot out that far on any kind of a regular basis so don't even practice. Have fun. That's just awesome!!!
Nice to see you guys getting after the chucks !

I got out yesterday for a bit. 3 diff holes saw 5 little ones. Only shot 1 little guy and this momma with a 22LR.
Should be good for a few weeks to come.
I talked to the farmer last night where I hunt. They mowed one little hay field that held 8 round bales and have one 20 acre crop field that hasn't sprouted much. If these rains ever quit, I may have to give them a go. That's not many holes to hunt over, but my numbers aren't getting any better sitting at home. The 243 got some recent range time and was shooting great at 470yds. I need to get some blood on it now instead of shooting cans.

Way to get on board Tim. That 22LR wasn't the Taurus was it?
Originally Posted By: ARCOREY

Way to get on board Tim. That 22LR wasn't the Taurus was it?

Nope, Ruger 77/22 with a 2-7 Leupold.

Sold the Taurus to a bud. Now have ar Airlite S&W.
Have a total of 16 kills so far. Most have been 350yds to 654yds being furthest so far this year. Not many pics of the far ones due to having my little one with me and not wanting to Walk that far with her!!! Lol

The activity has certainly picked up. Glad to see you guys getting out and gettin er done! Keep up the good work and have fun while doing it. Will see if I can't find someone out here in OH who wants some company shootin critters while we're visiting the family. Wish me luck.
Just some eye candy. Went out today just before the big storm hit central Virginia. Only saw this one at 145 yds. Crawling along munching on soybeans. Wouldn't stand up, so when he turned his side to me, I shot him behind the ear. Number 30 for the little Browning 17 Ackley Hornet.
