Annual Groundhog tally for 2013

Got back from Wyoming a couple days ago and been reading about all the killin here and I can't take it any more!! I called work and told them that I'm taking today off to do some ghog damage control!
Been almost a month since I've shot a pasture poodle.

I'll post up if I have any success.
Well, I have not gotten out much this year, but last week, I had a friend come visit and we shot 23 over 3 days. My big news is that I have a new "longest shot." I know there are plenty of folks here that shoot long distances all the time, so this may not seem like that big of a deal to them, but last week I connected at 407 yards.

Just had to share.
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Originally Posted By: RowdydogWell, I have not gotten out much this year, but last week, I had a friend come visit and we shot 23 over 3 days. My big news is that I have a new "longest shot." I know there are plenty of folks here that shoot long distances all the time, so this may not seem like that big of a deal to them, but last week I connected at 407 yards.

Just had to share.

Nice shootin Rowdy!! 407 yards is a fair poke at a poodle!!
Well this should have been a good weekend shootin groundhogs, went out Sat to scout some new fields and saw 13 hogs of which I shot 2.
Walking down the field to pick them up I saw quite a few fresh dens some with the dirt still wet and since this was in the evening they had to be active shortly before I got there.
My hunting parnter (brother) had a honey do list a mile long and couldn't go
so I figured they will still be there tomorrow when he was free so we made plans to roll out the hog wagon.
We set up the hog wagon at the edge of the field in the center we had just started to set up when we saw one about 125yrds away but it took off before we had a gun out.
After we were set up I spotted a hog straight down the field from us about 450 yards and a second later sent a 55gr plastic tipped Blackhole down range from my 20-250 and saw the hog hammered to the ground with the tail twitching in the air.
About a half hour later the first one we saw poked out its head and was wacked by my brothers 17HMR,
A little while later I saw another head pop up by the first hog I shot so I sent another 55gr Blackhole at it and it dissapered, we sat and glassed for a couple more hours and only saw 2 more that would not give us a shot plus they were past the 800 yrd mark,
We went out to pick up our hogs as I had some chores to do yet and when we got down to where I shot mine all I could find where two big pools of blood right on the edge of two holes and no hogs in sight, The first one I knew I hit hard and saw it surrender (tail waving) the second I wasn't sure as the clover patch they where in was pretty tall. I think I am going to switch back to the Berger 55's for now out of the 20br and 20-250 the blackholes shoot great but at that velocity they don't seem to expand.

the hog wagon

our only trophy for the day

view from the hogwagon
Originally Posted By: Tim NeitzkeLooks like good times to me !

Some of the best times I've had are chuck hunting with my brother

If the grass isn't to high next weekend I'm taking a big 6mm with me either the 6mm Rem or 6-284 I think a 800 yard chuck has my name on it
Good shooting you guys!

Still in OH with family. Hope to get out on Wednesday with a friend I hunted a few time with last year.

Wish me luck.
Me and my hunting buddy John were able to get out on Friday evening and hit a couple of local farms. He brought along his friend Luke who is wanting to get into hog hunting.

First stop was a farm about a 1/4 mile from where I live. Took a short walk through the fields stopping to glass,but saw nothing.Figured we would pack it up and head to the next farm.As we were getting ready to leave,John took one last look through the binos and spotted one by a fence row by the pond.We decided to let Luke take the shot.Hog was about 195 yds. away. Luke got on him with John's 250 and cut one loose.Shot right below the hog. It ran to a tree and stopped. He got on him again and the shot went right over his head.After that the ghog decided he had enough and headed for the hole. Nonetheless,Luke is now hooked!!

Got to the second farm and as we were walking down a gravel road,we spotted one about 125 yards feeding on the edge of it. Luke got on him and this time he did not miss. Hit the hog a little low but DRT anyways.

We ended up getting three more hogs before we had to call it a day. John and I each got one with Luke getting his second for the day.

No pics guys but had a great time hunting with friends.

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John and I decided to head out early Saturday morning to do some door knocking to try and pick up some new land to hunt. The first landowner said thanks but no thanks,her dogs seem to keep the hogs in check.
The second farm we stopped at the farmer said "sure no problem". We have to wait a couple of weeks though till they cut the hay.This farm is probably around 800 acres.

Got to the third farm and the owner said "he has a ghog problem" but he said to leave our names and a phone # and he would give us a call. We did not feel too good about getting hunting rights but what can you do?? As we were getting back into the truck the owner asked if we wanted to hunt one of the fields right now. He said he wanted to see what we could do. Of course we jumped at the opportunity!!

We no more than stepped into the hay field and we started seeing the poodles all over. To say this guy has a problem is a understatement!! In an hour of hunting we saw no less than 20 ghogs!! We ended up sending 9 of them to hog heaven.I shot 7 and John got 2. We were hoping for ten but John missed the last one. We had to leave after that,John had something going on at his church.

As we were leaving the farmer stopped us and asked how we did. I told him we got 9 for him and his eyes got big and he told us to come back anytime! I told him in all my years of hunting,I have never seen so many hogs in one field. I said,"you don't have a problem,you have an infestation". He agreed and told us he hopes we can help with them.We said we would be more than happy to and thanked him for the opportunity to hunt his farm.

Did not take the camera. Didn't think we would be hunting that day.Only reason we too the rifles was to show the landowners our hunting rigs but it worked out real good. There are four more farms we want to stop by. Maybe next weekend.

Can you say "Honey Hole"!!! Wow, what an opportunity!!! Good luck with that one and don't forget the pictures next time!!!!
Originally Posted By: 1up5down
As we were leaving the farmer stopped us and asked how we did. I told him we got 9 for him and his eyes got big and he told us to come back anytime! I told him in all my years of hunting,I have never seen so many hogs in one field. I said,"you don't have a problem,you have an infestation". He agreed and told us he hopes we can help with them.We said we would be more than happy to and thanked him for the opportunity to hunt his farm.


Dang Dave, that was great! And close to home as well! I know that you enjoyed our prairie dog shoot in Wyoming (did you tell anyone about your 800 yard "meadow muffin" kill?) but that's sure a lot closer to home and aint near as much money either. On the downside you don't get to share a motel room with me and watch me shoot prairie dogs at 100+ yards with a .22 pistol (I will say no more lest some folks think I'm bragging) but all in all I would have to say that you got you a pretty good deal right there. Hey- maybe next year I fly out there instead of Wyoming. Watcha think?
Originally Posted By: RustydustOriginally Posted By: 1up5down
As we were leaving the farmer stopped us and asked how we did. I told him we got 9 for him and his eyes got big and he told us to come back anytime! I told him in all my years of hunting,I have never seen so many hogs in one field. I said,"you don't have a problem,you have an infestation". He agreed and told us he hopes we can help with them.We said we would be more than happy to and thanked him for the opportunity to hunt his farm.


Dang Dave, that was great! And close to home as well! I know that you enjoyed our prairie dog shoot in Wyoming (did you tell anyone about your 800 yard "meadow muffin" kill?) but that's sure a lot closer to home and aint near as much money either. On the downside you don't get to share a motel room with me and watch me shoot prairie dogs at 100+ yards with a .22 pistol (I will say no more lest some folks think I'm bragging) but all in all I would have to say that you got you a pretty good deal right there. Hey- maybe next year I fly out there instead of Wyoming. Watcha think?

Russ you know you are welcome here anytime!!
Originally Posted By: DogboneCan you say "Honey Hole"!!! Wow, what an opportunity!!! Good luck with that one and don't forget the pictures next time!!!!

Yeah DB if there ever was a "honeyhole",this would be it!!
I've killed 33 groundhogs so far this year. We have a contest going at work and they are worth 3 points each, 4 if shot with a pistol. Longest kill so far is with my Savage Super Styrker chambered in 7MM-08, distance was 254 yards. Hit him right under the chin.
Originally Posted By: Rich44Originally Posted By: Tim NeitzkeLooks like good times to me !

Some of the best times I've had are chuck hunting with my brother

If the grass isn't to high next weekend I'm taking a big 6mm with me either the 6mm Rem or 6-284 I think a 800 yard chuck has my name on it

that hog wagon is a fine looking set up
Congrats on the new honey hole! If your farmer is anything like most of mine, he won't allow you to leave any "seed" groundhogs assuring a shootable population for next year. We had such a place three years ago, where we killed 72 hogs off a 66 acre parcel next to a golf course. The following year it was tough to scratch out just over twenty from that place. Now we can count what we kill there all year on my fingers alone
. I did manage to shoot two there on Saturday afternoon, though. This one with the .22 mag:
just under 100 yds.
And this one with the 204 at close to 200:
. Those brought me to 71 YTD.
I got a little ahead of myself with Saturday, because on Friday, I left the house at 6:20 PM and the first farm on the edge of town had poodles standing all over the place! Most poodles on that side of the farm are safe because it's unsafe to fire a real rifle there....a subdivision borders that bean field
BUT, three unlucky sod puppies "posed" for me at less than 55 yards, and the pellet rifle was put in play:
. I love that Air Arms 410!
The next farm offered two from the same position, just a few minutes apart. Both shots were in the 150 yd zone, so the 204 was the weapon of choice:

The back of the truck started filling.......

Eastward on to the next farm: This is a tough place to see hogs because the farmer left the grain stubble so high and drilled the beans in over the stubble. But there were hogs, but mostly just head shots. Maybe the stubble actually helps to keep the other hogs from being alarmed to the sound of a shot because it provides cover, and probably deadens some of the noise from a shot, whatever....but it allowed me to shoot three from one vantage point with the 204 in just a couple minutes:

I pulled into the farm driveway for a different vantage point of some other holes and shot two more with the 22 mag., but one made it down the hole with no retrieval possible, so that one didn't score. The truck ended up looking like this:
My hunting partner missed a fun evening, by choosing to leave for MT that afternoon! I'm sure he'll make up for it in ground squirrels though.....if his wife will let him have a turn with the rifle, that is!

You're a killing machine Flyrod. Lots of action late in the evening down your way. Saw one out along the road back home around 8. Thought that was late for a hog in NJ.

Great pics of the action also. Keep it rolling!