Annual Groundhog tally for 2013

Memories are all we have sometimes and they're worth their weight in gold!!! Great story and nice shooting!! Neat old gun too! An heirloom to be passed down when the time comes. Grandpa would be proud!
Finally have time to post up my week ago pasture poodle hunt.

Saturday a week ago my hunting buddy and I finished up at the range doing some load development. It was early so I figured I would hit a new farm I had gotten hunting rights to. Got to the farm and proceeded to let the owner know that I was going to be out in the fields. While talking to the owner,she said absolutely no semi auto rifles are to be used. I told her I was planning on using my AR in 204 Ruger. She then asked what "AR" stood for? I replied "accurate rifle". I then showed her my rifle and explained to her that I do not rapid fire and that it was set up for long range shooting. She told me to go ahead and use it and we'll see how it goes.

Headed out to the barn she said to park by and as soon as I pulled beside it I saw a hog making it's way back to it's hole. Thought,man this is great,not even out of my vehicle yet and seeing them!!

Got geared up and set off after the poodle. Got to about 200 yards from his hole when I spotted another one farther back and slightly to the right running towards a small rock break. He stopped on the knoll to take one last look at me and that was all I needed. Got dialed in on him and squeezed. Instantly saw the red mist and he was done.


After the hero pic I decided to hit another field.As I was opening the gate,I noticed one sunning on a rock in the same field I just made a kill in. Grabbed the rifle and went after it. I got to about 80 yards and I saw it was getting a little nervous so decided to take the shot. Figured I would aim a little low being so close. Sent a 32gr. pill and saw the hit right below the piggy. Darn!! missed. It went right down the hole so I figured it was down for good.

Went back to get my gear and head to the next spot. No more than sat down in my chair when I looked to my left and spotted one 40 yards away standing up looking directly at me. Thought, man how am I going to pull this one off!! Slowly eased out of my chair and got on him. Squeezed the trigger and watched him fold in the scope. Now I know why he looked so big in the tall grass.He was standing on a tire for a better view.


Walked the field for a little while but the grass was too tall to really see anything so I decided to go to the other side of the farm.Walked past the hole where I missed the one to see if there was any blood. Didn't see any so I felt good that I did not wound it. As I was walking past the farm house I saw one in the front yard duck down it's hole. It came back out but being so close to the house did not want to risk the shot. Looked back in the direction I just came from and I spotted one coming out of it's hole and heading to a rock. Had to make my way over a little knoll and the last 30 yards had to butt scoot to get a clear shot. Ranged it about 200 yards. Got the cross hair on it and let the 32gr. BK fly. Heard the hit and watched the piggy do a 360 about 16" in the air.DRT. First time I have ever lifted a hog like that.


It was getting late so I figured I would take one last look for the one I had missed. Sure enough it was back out on the same rock. Time for payback!!! It was about 250 yards out so I decided to close the distance a little. About 220 yards it spotted me and down the hole it went. It immediately came back out but would only show it's head. Knew I wasn't going to get any closer so I got set up and let one rip. Heard the infamous "whop" and knew I planted it good. Lifted it right out of the hole.


It was getting late so I decided to stop and talk to the landowner on the way out. I asked her if she had any concerns with me hunting and she replied that she didn't even hear me shoot. I told her I got four poodles and she smiled and said thank you. I also told her about the one in her front yard and she said take him out so he is now on the hit list.

I think she is comfortable with me hunting with my "accurate rifle".

All in all a good day.

Nice shooting!! Great write up! A fun read! Great pics too! What a honey hole that farm turned out to be!! Good luck with that one. Keep 'em coming. Oh yeah, sharp looking rig too. I should get me one of them "accurate rifles". LOL
Thanks for the comments guys.I'm really liking this AR in the 204.Might be swapping out the stock on it for a Magpul.I feel like I get a better cheek weld on my bolt rifles.

My only problem now DB is which 204 to take to the field. My Sabre,my Cooper or my Savage!!
Originally Posted By: 1up5down

My only problem now DB is which 204 to take to the field. My Sabre,my Cooper or my Savage!!

I can think of a lot worse problems to have to deal with. Put them on a rotating basis. They all need the exercise. Ha, ha.
Originally Posted By: DogboneOriginally Posted By: 1up5down

My only problem now DB is which 204 to take to the field. My Sabre,my Cooper or my Savage!!

I can think of a lot worse problems to have to deal with. Put them on a rotating basis. They all need the exercise. Ha, ha.

In a few weeks they will be getting all the exercise they can handle!! Going to Wyoming for a week long prairie dog hunt.

I have been busy the last week loading up for my 204's and getting ready for load development for my new 223 AI.
Sounds like fun. Have a blast as they would say. Pun intended. Make sure you rotate them often so you don't burn up the barrels.
Dogbone said:
Sounds like fun. Have a blast as they would say. Pun intended. Make sure you rotate them often so you don't burn up the barrels. [/quot

I will DB. I plan on taking 5-6 long guns plus a 22 mag rifle and a couple of 22 pistols.

I will take plenty of pics too.
27 confirmed kills yesterday warm weather has them out in full swing!
This one head shot 421 on the Leica range finder .223 AI 50 grain vmax
Wow that's even more impressive. Beats my best of 18 several years ago. Which isn't bad for NJ. Now you got to try and improve on that. Good luck!
Well I finally got out a little again tonight. The weather has been really strange here this Spring. Had frost just earlier this week, tons of rain then the week before that but this week now it is supposed to hit low 90's. Anyway, the corn is up, the 1st cutting of hay is just starting for most, and the soy beans are going in now - so with the extra heat, well... it will be time to bring the heat!

The 22-250 is what I've been leading with so far this year. My 55BK load finished up at 35.9 of Varget with a Fed210GM primer at 2.350" (Book COL exactly), at 3,725 fps. Any hog inside of 50 yards (as 2 of my 4 were tonight), get absolutely SPLASHED! BOOMzzzzzzzzzzzzzSPLAT.

I couldn't get IMR-4350 to give me the speed I wanted with the 80SBT's in my 243, so I've switched to Reloder 17 now and at 44.7 just crossed the 3,300 fps line. Still have a little ways to go yet with that load.

My total stands at 10 so far, which is way off the pace.

I haven't started hunting yet, holding off until next month. Then I hope to get in some good rimfire fun, and video of course. I hope to finish up the video this summer if all goes well.
Bear with me this is my first attempt at posting pics, but I have been killing the [bleep] out of whistle pigs and thought it was time to share. More to come!

Both were killed with the Axis .223


Nice job. Dynamite pictures! Crystal clear!! Now, we just need some more narrative to go along with the pics. Dang, we're demanding, ain't we.
Haha not as bad as my girlfriend though dogbone. There was not much narrative to these was a baby and the second was the momma. I know there is a few other babies left too. This family of ground hogs have completely tore up one of our alfalfa fields...they had to go. Something that I thought was pretty neat was I shot one about 50-75 yards away and the other was close to 200 yards (a decently long shot for me). I held my scope right on them for each shot...very little bullet drop on my axis...55gr zombie vmax. I was kind of impressed and surprised by that.

The pics were taken with my iPhone 4S and it takes amazing pics. When I got it I got rid of my digital camera.
Got 5 more yesterday, all with the 22-250 & 55BK's. Hoping to get out again maybe Wednesday evening. I've loaded up a bunch of 90gr BK's for my one buddy who shoots these out of his 25-06 at ground-hogs. (You wouldn't believe the smack down those put on a chuck. sound of impact is AMAZING!!!)

15 total

The next 1-1.5mo will be key. Some beans still haven't gone in yet, others are just now starting to break the surface. All 5 of mine from yesterday came from new bean fields. LOTS of hay came off this past weekend around here also, with the rest of that first cutting happening over the next 1-2 weeks. Add to that babies coming out now through about the middle of June, and well... should get real fun, real quick.