And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 15 OCTOBER 2024

Illegal immigrant kids with tuberculosis infections released into 44 states

Quote:The government is releasing thousands of illegal immigrant children with latent tuberculosis infections into American communities without assurances of treatment.

Nearly 2,500 children with latent infections were released into 44 states over the past year, according to a court-ordered report on how the Health and Human Services Department is treating the children.

Click headline above to read more!
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In spite of the fact that the current administration claims border crossings are down, little has changed other than dividing the numbers of migrants into two groups. Those who cross illegally between ports of entry (POE) and who still try to evade USBP for the most part, and those who are claiming asylum at ports of entry (POE), given a court date two or three years down the road (FREE GOVERNMENT APP TO GAIN ACCESS @ POE) , automatically released to (mostly government funded) NGO's who transport them to parts unknown or release them at ports of entry. Only those entering between POE are reported as "illegal encounters", thus the claim that numbers are down.

Originally Posted By: Sen. John Cornyn email 28 July 2023

The Biden Border Crisis rages on, leaving hundreds of migrants dead and tens of thousands more missing or abused.

Yet instead of attempting to address this humanitarian crisis and save lives, President Biden’s Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Texas over its efforts fill the gaps and secure our southern border. In their lawsuit, the administration cited “humanitarian concerns.” How ironic, considering the situation they have caused.

We’ve logged more than 5.6 million border crossings since Biden took office. This has taken a devastating toll on law enforcement, border communities, landowners, and migrants themselves. The only people benefitting from Biden’s border crisis are cartels getting rich off their human smuggling and drug trafficking operations.
Vice President Harris has served as the Administration’s “border czar” throughout unprecedented crisis, and despite her consistent failure to do anything to address it, the Vice President had the audacity to criticize Governor Abbott’s actions as, “Inhumane, outrageous, and un-American.”

The unavoidable reality is that we wouldn’t be in this situation if President Biden had done his job in the first place. Securing the southern border is the federal government’s job, but the Biden administration has completely abdicated its responsibilities.
Unlike President Biden, Governor Abbott took action. He put measures in place to deter migrants from attempting the dangerous journey across our border where they face brutal heat, dangerous waters, and treacherous terrain. Sadly, many who choose to make this trek anyway do not survive.

In fact, last fiscal year at least 748 people died at the southern border – a new record. Governor Abbott took these and other measures to deter illegal migration and prevent dangerous drugs and people from entering our country illegally.

If the president is unhappy with the actions Texas has taken, there’s one clear solution: he should secure the border. Until then, Governor Abbott is right to do everything in his power to keep our state and country safe.

I want to thank the countless federal, state, and local law enforcement officers, as well as National Guardsmen from Texas and other states who have deployed to the border, for their tireless work to protect our country.

The Biden administration may not appreciate their efforts, but the vast majority of us see, understand, and are grateful for their dedication.

Please, take a moment to share your thoughts on this important issue with me by answering the short question below, or by replying to this email.

For Texas,

When it comes to securing the border, how involved do you believe Texas should be?
( )This is the federal government’s responsibility, but in President Biden’s absence Texas must continue to protect our communities and our nation.
( )Texas should not be involved even while the federal government abandons its responsibility – only the President should secure the border.
( )The President is already doing enough to secure the border, and we are not facing a crisis.

Enough Fentanyl Crosses the US Border Each Month to Kill Every American

Katie Spence
By Katie Spence

In June, U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized more than 2,100 pounds of illicit fentanyl.

Enough Fentanyl Crosses the US Border Each Month to Kill Every American.

One kilogram (2.2 pounds) of fentanyl can potentially kill 500,000 people, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

"I don't think the public is really aware of what a challenge this is," said Dr. Donna Nelson, an organic chemist and professor at the University of Oklahoma.

"You have to assume that the border agents are not catching everything that's coming into our country," she told The Epoch Times.

"And the amount that's coming in keeps increasing—not steadily, but it is increasing over time."

Ms. Nelson was also the science adviser for the show, "Breaking Bad," and the 2016 president of the American Chemical Society. She was also pivotal in showing how the chemical structure in "bath salts," "spice," and related designer drugs impact a person in a similar manner as illegal drugs.

Border Patrol agents take into custody several illegal immigrants who were being smuggled from the U.S.–Mexico border to San Antonio, in Brackettville, Texas, on Aug. 26, 2022. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Today, however, she's turned her research prowess to what she considers an even bigger problem: illicit fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, which she says should be declared a weapon of mass destruction.

Prescription fentanyl is generally prescribed by doctors to treat patients suffering from severe or chronic pain, however, illicit fentanyl has become the source of the majority of overdose deaths in the United States.

Fentanyl and the Border

In fiscal year 2020, CBP seized an average of 445 pounds of fentanyl per month at the southern border. In fiscal 2021, that amount increased to approximately 882 pounds per month. In fiscal 2022, the average amount of fentanyl seized per month was 1,175 pounds.

The total amount for fiscal year 2023 won't be available until October, but CBP has already seized more fentanyl in the first nine months than it did for all of 2022, for an average of 2,427 pounds per month.

In less than three years, the amount of fentanyl seized at the southern border per month has increased more than fivefold.

"Every month, that's enough to kill every person in the United States," Ms. Nelson said.


Mock sizing of a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl, on April 1, 2022. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

Ms. Nelson said that while Americans might hear about people dying from fentanyl poisoning, she doesn't think they're "fully aware" of the scope of the problem. To help raise awareness, she organized a symposium on fentanyl during the American Chemical Society’s annual meeting in San Francisco in August.

"The public needs to be alerted about this," she said. "I don't think that they're really that knowledgeable."

She said the symposium will feature leaders in the fight against fentanyl, including a virtual presentation from Rep. Neal Dunn (R-Fla.).

Mr. Dunn introduced a resolution to the U.S. House in January, which would classify illicit fentanyl-related substances as a weapon of mass destruction.

He said the classification will make it easier to curb drug trafficking and free up resources for U.S. law enforcement.

The resolution has been referred to the Subcommittee on Health.

"The House must recognize this dangerous drug for what it really is—a weapon of mass destruction," Mr. Dunn said. "Fentanyl-related substances are tearing families and communities apart, and we must do whatever we can to help law enforcement get them off the streets."

Ms. Nelson testified recently at a congressional briefing at the U.S. Capitol in support of Mr. Dunn's resolution.

During her testimony, she explained that fentanyl presents a unique challenge because of how addictive and deadly it is, that other countries, primarily China, are shipping the precursors of fentanyl to Mexico, which are then combined and smuggled across the southern border, and that scientific research hasn't kept up with the evolving illicit fentanyl crisis.
Escalating Fentanyl Deaths

Synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, are the primary driver of overdose deaths in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The DEA reports that fentanyl is involved in more deaths of Americans under 50 "than any other cause of death including heart disease, cancer, homicide, suicide, and other accidents."

For the 12 months ending in Jan. 2022, the CDC reports that 71,238 Americans died from fentanyl poisoning—an increase from 2020, which had an estimated 57,834 deaths.

April Babcock, the founder of Lost Voices of Fentanyl, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness on illicit fentanyl, told The Epoch Times she thinks those numbers are "significantly underreported."

"There's a family … that's pretty definite their kid died from fentanyl because they found fentanyl at his house. But guess what: He was never tested!" Ms. Babcock said. "[The death certificate] says he died from cocaine. No, he didn't. He died from fentanyl."

She said the family is pushing to get a bill passed in Maryland that requires all hospitals to test for fentanyl if an overdose occurs.

"I hear it all the time: 'They didn't test for fentanyl.' How are we ever going to get the right data?" Ms. Babcock said.
Border Security

On July 12, representatives from the DEA appeared before the House Homeland Security Committee Subcommittee to testify on border security.

As part of its testimony, the DEA issued a statement that said fentanyl "has transformed the criminal landscape."

"Fentanyl is exceptionally cheap to make, exceptionally easy to disguise, and exceptionally deadly to those who take it," the DEA stated.

The agency said it seized more than 58 million fake pills containing fentanyl, and 13,000 pounds of fentanyl powder in 2022.

"This is enough fentanyl to supply a potentially lethal dose to every member of the U.S. population. These seizures occurred in every state in the country," the DEA stated.


Migrants from Central and South America take part in a caravan attempting to reach the U.S.–Mexico border, in Tapachula, Chiapas state, southern Mexico, on April 23, 2023. (STRINGER/AFP via Getty Images)
Migrants from Central and South America take part in a caravan attempting to reach the U.S.–Mexico border, in Tapachula, Chiapas state, southern Mexico, on April 23, 2023. (STRINGER/AFP via Getty Images)

Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has insisted that the "borders are not open" and that the United States isn't facing a "crisis" at the southern border.

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) disagrees. "The reckless open border policies set by President Biden and Mayorkas have greatly benefited the Mexican cartels," he stated.

"The cartels quickly learned to outmaneuver the system, and with the help of the Chinese Community Party, they have smuggled an unprecedented amount of fentanyl, taken a record number of American lives, brought in billion-dollar profits, and have torn families apart. Secretary Mayorkas' blatant disregard for the security and sanctity of the American people has wounded our great nation deeply."

Mr. Higgins said his subcommittee plans to hold Mr. Mayorkas accountable for "dereliction of duty."
In spite of DHS claims that illegal crossings have fallen drastically since expiration of Title 42, illlegal encounters in the RGV of Texas just this past weekend show otherwise. Unofficial estimates have legal migrants seeking asylum cross at a rate around 1000/day in addition to the illegal encounters below. KRGVTV screen shot 7 Aug 2023:


Arizona has now outpaced the RGV in illegal crossings.

Over 1,300 migrants cross the border into Arizona daily, despite record heat

Migrants in cages are back under Biden ......amid border surge. This time, in the sweltering Arizona heat.

Crossings along U.S.-Mexico border migrants defy extreme heat and asylum restrictions
Quote:In recent days, Border Patrol agents in the Tucson sector, which covers most of Arizona's border with Mexico and parts of the Sonoran Desert, have seen the number of migrants arriving daily soar to as many as 1,900, an increase of 134% from an average of 812 in June, according to unpublished agency figures.
Illegal crossings spike in spite of tripple digit temperatures in RG Valley

A couple of statistics pointed out of Fox News today and screen shots from 13 August Fox report.

*300,000 unaccompanied illegal minors in CBP custody since Biden took office and opened the border.


*There have been 1.7 million "gotaways" since FY began in Oct. 2022!


*This car chase ended with arrest of US citizen (driver) hauling illegals in trunk of car. Homeland Security is once again releasing illegals after assigning court date due to overloaded facilities.


* And its not only the Texas border.......

Two heavily armed, known cartel members have been caught crossing the Rio Grande into the US, south of Mission Texas in spite of Democrat law makers requesting end to cooperation of USBP with Texas DPS.

The cartel members had been seen previously on security cameras and were captured at the same location by a special team comprised of Texas DPS and USBP officers on their 2nd incursion according to Fox News reports this date. One other member managed to escape back into the river, crossing into Mexico.

Screen shots from Fox News TV report, 14 Aug. 2023:


Texas Democrats demand U.S. Border Patrol stop cooperating with state DPS

Screen shots from Fox News TV report, 14 Aug. 2023:
The senate has passed a bill ordering use of the existing border wall panels to be used to complete problem areas along the border. You remember, these panels, the panels which have been rusting in the desert since Biden took office and immediately ordered the halt of building the wall.

According to the Ingram Angle on Fox News, Biden has spent $2,000,000,000 storage costs on the panels which originally cost $300,000,000 and has quietly auctioned off more than half of the panels recently for pennies on the dollar!


Migrant Crossings on the Rise Again at U.S. Border

Nearly 100 FBI terror watchlist suspects nabbed at southern border

Images show men armed with rifles, body armor coming across southern border

Yes sir, the border is under control.....but whose control!?


Biden Scrambles to Sell Trump's Unfinished Border Wall Before 'Finish It Act' Passes

Views 63.7K •
Instead of using the millions of dollars worth of steel fencing that was already purchased to protect the U.S. southern border, the Biden administration is currently in the process of auctioning it off to the highest bidder.
Furthermore, according to new reports, some parts of the wall that have already been built are now being left wide open, allowing people to walk straight in. And the Border Patrol agents are not even able to close the wall because their superiors ordered that the doors be welded open.

Episode Resources:
🔵 Gotaways Movie:
🔵 Auction:
🔵 Welded Open Wall:

In spite of Biden's claim that illegal entries are falling, click link for the truth:
Families crossing U.S. border illegally reached all-time high in August

Quote:Overall, the data show, border apprehensions have risen more than 30 percent for two consecutive months, after falling sharply in May and June as the Biden administration rolled out new restrictions and entry opportunities. The Border Patrol made more than 177,000 arrests along the Mexico border in August, up from 132,652 in July and 99,539 in June.

Still seeing at least 5 charter busses in local motel parking lot every morning since title 42 ended. Other reports state that the "official" claimed lower numbers reported are due to the fact that DHS has shifted traffic to ports of entry to "reduce illegal apprehensions", yet the illegal apprehensions still rose >30% in August.

I spent a little time down near the border prospecting near the border(4 miles). On the ride down there we passed a a spot along the road where people are depositing backpacks and gear found on the desert. It is quite common to find a pile of backpacks and water bottles near roads in the desert here and this isn't a major crossing area.
Update on the Biden Border. (Well, he often quotes Bidenomics, why not Biden Border?)

The administration first sued Texas to force removal of the border buoys, but 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued temporary stay:
5th Circuit Blocks lower court order to remove Texas Buoys in Rio

Now:Biden administration considering plan to force migrants to remain in Texas

Quote:Emphasis added:

Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border, The Los Angeles Times reported, citing three U.S. officials not authorized to discuss the matter.

The plan would force migrants to remain in Texas, or possibly other border states by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, the officials told the Times.

Quote:Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border

If there is anyone in this administration who understands that the US southern border is on the south end of Texas, not the north end, perhaps they would be so kind as to advise Biden and Mayorkas of the fact.

Biden claims that migration has dropped since Title 42 ended at midnight on May 11th. However, as you probably know, on that date HHS announced that migrants from several named countries claiming asylum and pre registering via a new phone Ap would be assigned a court date, allowed entry @ any port of entry and immediately released. Neither these "legal" migrants nor the thousands of "gotaways" who manage to elude capture @ the border are included in the list of border encounters which have increased in spite of that fact as demonstrated in the Fox News screen shot below:

Governor Abbott's bussing of illegals to blue "Sanctuary cities" has been very effective in at least getting mayors and governors to start crying about being overwhelmed with illegals , even though they laughably refuse to blame the Whitehouse but blame "the madman down in Texas" while crying to the feds for financial aid.

One would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see through this administration's unabashed use of their wide open border policy in an effort to turn the state of Texas blue, swing control of the house harder left* and not to notice the lapdog main stream media's complicity in the plan by their failure to report on the obvious conspiracy!
* Number of congressional seats in the house is determined by population of each state. By flooding the country w/illegals (who are considered to most likely be liberal in the way they vote) the number of house seats will be increased and the voting base will be more progressive in theory.
Biden administration considering plan to force migrants to remain in Texas

Border states are experiencing overwhelming numbers of illegals...thousands/day, not one busload a week flooding across the borders, so we do understand the burdens placed on health, school, housing, law enforcement, and every other aspect placed on state/local government entities by open border policy. The blame for this shameless disregard of responsibility lies clearly in the laps of the administration, not Gov. Abbott, or any other border state.

On another subject, Ya think this is possibly 81,000 new prospective voters in the mix in time for 2024 elections?? Your call.

81,000 Illegal Immigrants Will Soon Be Eligible Under Minnesota’s ‘Driver's License for All’ Program LINK