And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 15 OCTOBER 2024

Fox News Screen Shot 16 October 2023



These numbers do not include the more than 16,000 "gotaways" in the last 14 days.
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The apprehensions are still released on to the street with a court appearance date scheduled. Per Biden, so the data on terrorists apprehended at the border is not good news. In order to be bussed or air transported, the immigrants must pay a 4000-7000 dollar fee. That money is due when in Houston, the money is than bank wired back to Mexico banks. These are U.S. government employees COLLECTING the payments. This is information directly from a 30 year, carded Mexican who has 2 homes in Mexico and 1 in the states.
Too true^^^^!

Well, we just thought there was a rush on the border. As of yesterday, the head of USBP was in Harlingen Tx. to wave goodbye to the first plane load of (100+) Venezuelan aliens who crossed the border illegally and were being flown back from whence they came! Finally, Biden took a step, albeit a tiny one, in the right direction. Hopefully the word will get out: CROSS THE BORDER ILLEGALLY AND EARN A QUICK TRIP HOME!

The local motel, which normally had 7-9 charter busses awaiting to carry their load of illegals to their destination of choice BOASTED TWENTY THREE BUSSES today which I am hoping is a good sign that someone is finally paying attention. I have no idea, however, what the destinations of these busses are to be.

Couldn't get a decent picture, but, as you can immagine, 23 busses pretty well fill the parking lot bumper to bumper.

Originally Posted By: Quoted from 7 October post aboveA local motel, where charter busses seem to be "headquartering" daily to handle the illegal traffic headed north is a testament to this flood of illegals this morning. Where there are normally 5-6 busses in the parking lot at any given time, this morning there were 9 visible in the parking lot. The most I could get in one frame was 7.
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Saturday, 21 October 2023
ONLY 14 busses in this Brownsville, TX motel parking lot @ 1100 AM today.


Latest DHS numbers released this morning show September encounters to be an ALL TIME high @ over 269,000, as was the number of encounters for FY @ >2,475,000! Nearly 600,000 migrants who crossed the border since March 2021 were released in the U.S. with no immigration court dates

None of the figures released above reflect the number of confirmed "gottaways" which are reported to be 1.5 million since Biden took office! 1.5M ‘gotaways’ have slipped into the US under Biden — three times as many as during 3 years of Trump

Chicago sends delegation to Brownsville, TX asking advice:

South Texas border city offers Windy City officials migrant advice
Another story you won't see on MSM:

Texas Reclaims Rio Grande River Island from Mexican Cartels on Anniversary of First Skirmish of Texas Revolution in 1835


Originally Posted By: For Full Story Click Link:

'Operation Flat Top'

Texas DPS tactical units have been active along the border as part of OLS, including a Texas DPS Texas Rangers Special Operations unit, which has taken control of Fronton Island. On Oct. 2, the anniversary of the first skirmish of the Texas Revolution in 1835, the tactical unit was mobilized to address public safety and national security threats created by cartel operatives using Fronton Island as a staging site for smuggling activity.

CBP memo warns of Hamas, Hezbollah fighters potentially using southern border to enter US


Fox News Screen Shot 24 Oct 23

From Fox News, 24 October 2023:
* Over 270,000 border encounters registered in the month of September, 2023, an all time record.
* There have been 23,000 gottaways since Biden took office.
* There has been a 7000% increase in potential terrorist encounters on the southern border during Biden's tenure.


Fox News Screen Shot 24 Oct 23

Border Patrol clocking 1,000 'known gotaways' per day, over 23K people in October, CBP sources say

Venezuelans top Mexicans in US illegal border crossings for 1st time on record in September

Hezbollah Presence Means Venezuela Is a Global Problem

America in Danger: Hamas and Hezbollah Sleeper Cells Are Here
27 October 2023

Lawsuit: Biden’s DHS Withholding Details on Terror Suspects Caught Crossing Southern Border

Quote:This month, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) filed a lawsuit against Biden’s DHS after the organization filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for “records reflecting the nationalities and group affiliations of the record-breaking 270 illegal border-crossers who have flagged on the FBI terrorism watch since 2021.”

And then there's this:


Fox News screen shot 27 Oct 2023

If the past month's record numbers are allowed to continue, by end of next fiscal year 1,869,582 new illegals will be released into the country.
Hundreds leave Tapachula, Mexico to join thousands in massive migrant caravan heading for US

Quote:Reuters reported that the larger caravan, consisting of a reported 7,000 people, is currently stopped just north of Tapachula in the town Huixtla. The group left from Tapachula six days ago and will be joined by the smaller group of what is estimated to consist of "hundreds" of more migrants.

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border

Mayorkas confirms over 600,000 illegals immigrants were "gotaways" in FY

Pics: Explosive, ammo-filled backpacks found at southern border
Quote: Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez

Illegal Alien Wanted For Terrorism Arrested Near One World Trade Center 2 Weeks After Biden’s DHS Let Him into US
Texas Legislature tries again with bills making illegal border crossings a state crime
(Governor) Abbott specifically asked the Legislature to pass laws that mirror the language from the House and Senate’s most recent efforts and called on the Legislature to make it a state crime to cross the border illegally from Mexico into Texas — it’s already a federal crime. And he asked for more funding for the construction of border barriers.

Texas head-on crash involving human smuggler evading authorities kills 8, including 2 Americans
The driver passed an 18-wheeler in a no-passing zone before crashing head-on with a Chevy SUV traveling in the opposite direction, causing the vehicle to burst into flames. Everyone in both vehicles was killed.

Greene calls for DHS Secretary Mayorkas' impeachment over southern border
What to know about the Texas border wall and who’s building it

Filling a gap left when Biden stopped construction of the wall in 2021.

EXCLUSIVE: DHS heat maps show most migrant apprehensions are north of border wall

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Friday that he sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas emphasizing a new Texas law that gives U.S. Border Patrol agents additional authority — under specific circumstances — to enforce state felony charges against migrants for illegal entry if the incident occurs at a port of entry, or Border Patrol checkpoint.

“Texas has been forced to develop new solutions after the federal government abdicated enforcement and even weaponized immigration law to intensify surges of new arrivals at the border. Senate Bill 602 reflects Texans’ desire for a more robust and effective response to the historic levels of unvetted foreign aliens entering our state,” Paxton wrote.

Border Patrol agents must complete a specialized training program with the Texas Department of Public Safety prior to exercising such arrests, according to the new law that Gov. Greg Abbott signed during the 88th Legislature.

The new law took effect Sept. 1.

Sandra Sanchez can be reached at SSanchez@B
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A few current statistics/headlines:

* NY City is in deep financial state due to illegal migrants and are cutting their expenditures drastically as follows according to Epoch Times:
Education $1B, reducing number of police officers by 6000,

* Southern border encounters with illegals by country since 1 October 2023

6500 + China
1500 + Uzbekistan
700 + Afghanistan
140 + Syrian
80 + Iran

* Confirmed gotaways averaging 1000/day

* 8100 illegal encounters on entire southern border in past 24 hours

*Chicago police overwhelmed by illegals camping, completely blocking entrance to their station requiring emergency stairway to be built w/milk crates.
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