And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 15 OCTOBER 2024

15 May 2023

According to Fox News, migrants from 170 countries have crossed our borders seeking asylum. Court dates currently being assigned to those admitted are running 4-7 years out! One migrant in Brownsville was told to appear in 2027 last week. Those so admitted are released with no means of tracking their whereabouts, making one wonder what the percentage is that simply fade away.

Last week an Afghan on the Terrorist Watch List was apprehended after crossing the border into California. Rep. Mike Waltz (FL) an ex-Green Beret, who serves on the House Armed Services Committee stated that thousands of Taliban fighters were released from Bagram Air Base when we pulled out. Where have they all gone!?

When asked by the press today how is the border going?, Biden said, "Much better than you all expected." He was then asked if he had plans to go to the border, to which he replied, "Not in the near term, no. It would just be disruptive, nothing else."

Fox News screen shots this date:


US Rep. Tony Gonzales, from El Paso district revealed that El Paso CBP is currently holding more than 6,000 illegal aliens, one facility with a capacity of 1000 is holding 3000, another w/capacity of 90 currently holding 400. More than 4200 illegals were released in El Paso last week.

Homeland Security Chief Warns Border Could Still See Surge After Title 42 End

By Jack Phillips
May 14, 2023Updated: May 15, 2023

U.S. Border Patrol agents have seen a 50 percent drop in the number of border crossers since the pandemic-era immigration policy known as Title 42 expired at midnight on May 11, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in an interview.

“Over the past two days, the United States Border Patrol has experienced a 50 percent drop in the number of encounters versus what we were experiencing earlier in the week before Title 42 ended at midnight on Thursday,” Mayorkas told CNN’s “State of the Union” program on May 14. “It is still early. We are in day three. But we have been planning for this transition for months and months.”

However, amid such claims from Mayorkas and other Biden administration officials, Republicans described what’s unfolding at the border as catastrophic. On May 11, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Fox News that Mayorkas “is lying” about the “chaos and catastrophic results at the border.”

There have been widespread bipartisan concerns that ending Title 42, which has been in effect for the past three years, would spur a significant increase in illegal immigration amid reports that large groups of people are heading from Mexico and Central America to the U.S. border. Multiple Texas counties along the border have also declared emergencies over the anticipated spike in illegal immigration.

Mayorkas said U.S. Border Patrol agents had about 6,300 encounters with border-crossers on May 12 and another 4,200 on May 13. That’s compared with more than 10,000 per day shortly before Title 42’s expiration.

Mayorkas still warned that a surge across the border is still possible.

“It is too early,” he cautioned on May 14.

“We have not only a security imperative but a humanitarian responsibility to cut those smugglers out. We have an obligation to deliver consequences at our border, to not only manage our border but to cut the smugglers out.”

Republicans have criticized Mayorkas and President Joe Biden for the increase in illegal immigration during the current administration. House Republicans recently approved what Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) termed “the strongest border security bill this country has ever seen,” while noting that Republicans “are seeing a very different record from President Biden.”

Even as the legislation neared its final form on May 10, it had to be amended to appease concerns from the House Freedom Caucus and other lawmakers. The 213-page bill represents a compromise in the Republican conference between centrist lawmakers, who wanted to focus on beefing up border enforcement, and conservatives, who want to see drastic changes to U.S. asylum and immigration law.
Epoch Times Photo

Migrants wait in line to enter the United States from Tijuana, Mexico, on May 11, 2023. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

The package would return to many of the same policies pursued by former President Donald Trump, such as building walls along the border. It would also restrict asylum by requiring illegal aliens to cross legally, pay a $50 fee, and meet more stringent requirements to show in initial interviews that they have a credible fear of persecution in their home country. Title 42, which expired on May 11, was initially implemented during the Trump administration despite numerous legal challenges.

The bill would also scrap a program that allowed U.S. officials to accept or quickly turn away some people from Venezuela, Haiti, and Nicaragua. The program is a cornerstone of Biden’s immigration efforts, allowing migrants from those countries to apply to come to the United States for two years legally and work.

“The bill that we’re getting, I think, is a good starting point,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said. “It, by itself, would not get 60 votes to get out of here.”

He means that the bill likely won’t pass the Democrat-controlled Senate. Biden has warned that he’ll veto the measure if it comes to his desk.

Also, Tillis joined with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), who accepts committee assignments from Democrats, to push a proposal that would resurrect the government’s power to quickly expel illegal immigrants without processing their asylum claims for another two years.

A Texas National Guard soldier directs migrants during a dust storm at a makeshift camp located between the Rio Grande and the U.S.–Mexico border fence in El Paso, Texas, on May 10, 2023. (John Moore/Getty Images)

“It’s clear that the Biden administration, while it had two years to prepare for the end of Title 42, failed to do so,” Sinema told reporters last week. “And in the last several weeks, I’ve had the unfortunate job of communicating on a daily basis, sometimes even hourly basis, with the sheriffs, the Border Patrol agents, mayors, and even the governor of Arizona to figure out how we can prepare to deal with this crisis.”

Mayorkas derided the Republican-backed bill on May 14 and, without providing evidence, said it would “dismantle” the U.S. immigration system.

“We are in need of desperately as a country is immigration reform, to fix the system, not to dismantle it, which is what this proposal really provides,” Mayorkas said.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
i heard something yesterday that it was documented that this FY alone, 4000+ male, military age, chinese nationals have been caught/released at the border.

so thats not counting no-contacts/getaways that arent documented.

china pulling some funny stuff setting us up?

#askingForaFriend and all that

Record Number of Suspected Terrorists Crossed the U.S.-Mexico Border | Opinion

Quote:ust a few years ago, major U.S. media outlets called President Donald Trump a liar when he proclaimed that Islamic terrorist suspects were illegally crossing the southern border among far more numerous Spanish-speaking immigrants. "Fact-check" columnists swore such terrorist crossings never happened.

But since April 2022, when U.S. Customs and Border Protection began publishing the monthly number of border crossers who were on the FBI's terrorism watch list, it has become impossible to ignore the record-breaking numbers of suspected terrorist crossings.

Final fiscal year 2022 numbers show Border Patrol apprehended a whopping 98 watch-listed terrorists at the southern border, six times the record 15 caught there in 2021 (three were caught in 2020 and none in 2019). That's also five times the number it took to carry out the 9/11 attacks that took America to war in overseas theaters for 20 years.
Read Entire Story Here:
Thanks are in order to the governors of FL an UT for dispatching state National Guard troops to support operation Lone Star.

Texas operation Lone Star, Gov. Abbott's current initiative, doing Biden's job, which he refuses to do. So far it has cost the state of Texas some 2 Billion dollars, resulting in 376,000 illegal aliens apprehended, 28,000 criminal arrests and 416,000,000 lethal doses of Fentanyl confiscated. Texas has bussed 19,000 illegals to NYC, Chicago, DC and recently to CO.

The governor's recent deployment of TXANG and DPS to Brownsville has essentially sealed that illegal point of entry using miles of razor concertina wire backed up by troopers. Crossings dropped from thousands/day to less than 50 overnight.

While crossings have decreased at all points w/title 8 replacing title 42, numbers were much higher in areas not benefiting from personnel & fencing and authorities are apprehensive while waiting for the other shoe to drop, as there are still "tens of thousands gathered on the south bank of the Rio Grande River waiting to cross". Overnight @ Del Rio, Tx. DPS reported a group of approximately 100 gathered on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande in preparation to enter but were discouraged by orders not to do so.

DPS Lt. Olivares reported that 4-5000 illegals are currently being held at the border, not counting those released by federal authorities with court dates.

To those who say the border cannot be controlled, the Bracero program was very successful in providing needed farm labor and helping to control illegal entry for years. Operation Wetback (obviously named prior to the politically correct era), was equally efficient, both described below:

Quote: Operation Wetback

During World War II, the Mexican and American governments developed an agreement known as the Bracero program, which allowed Mexican laborers to work in the United States under short-term contracts in exchange for stricter border security and the return of illegal Mexican immigrants to Mexico.[12] Instead of providing military support to the U.S. and its military allies, Mexico would provide laborers to the U.S. with the understanding that border security and illegal labor restrictions would be tightened by the United States.[13
6PM 20 May
Latest headlines from the "Border".

Border encounters down to 4000/day (compared to 10,000/day before title 42 expiration) but Guatemala currently reports 60-80,000 Venezuelans passing through their country en route to US border.

According to CA congressman Darrell Issa:

Ca considering paying illegal migrants $300/month for 20 months.

Could cost the state $356,000,000. CA currently has a $20,000,000,000 deficit. Univ. of CA considering hiring illegal aliens.
Originally Posted By: The Florida Standard

Federal Government Behind Massive Operation to Send Illegal Immigrants into U.S.

Migrants are funneled towards the U.S. southern border via a sophisticated logistics operation paid for by American taxpayers and the United Nations, says war correspondent Michael Yon.

April 26, 2023


DARIEN GAP, PANAMA — Michael Yon is a former Special Forces operator – Green Beret – and one of the world’s most accomplished war correspondents. Right now, he is at the Darien Gap in Panama – a hub for human trafficking and illegal immigration. This is where migrants are put on buses to take them further on the journey where the destination is the U.S. southern border.

The Darien Gap camp is a transit point for migrants coming from all corners of the world. It is largely managed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – a United Nations agency that promotes and facilitates migration from developing countries and China to the West.



“This is weaponized migration,” Michael Yon tells The Florida Standard. “Weaponized migration is being used to change the U.S. demographic, and it’s going on in many parts of the world. It’s clearly going to destroy Europe and the United States,” Yon says.


Chinese military-age men at Darien Gap

Many of the migrants processed through the Darien Gap and loaded onto buses there are Chinese nationals. Michael Yon says that up to 30 to 40 high-end tour coaches leave the camps each day.

“They drive Highway 1 up to a camp in northwestern Panama near the city David. Then they go in smaller buses towards the Costa Rican border, where they are dropped off. From there they enter Costa Rica and continue north,” Yon explains.

He says that the current rate of migrants processed through the Darien Gap is around 400,000 individuals.

“It’s a serious operation that is well-organized, but it’s ad-hoc as well. There’s a program between Costa Rica and Panama called Controlled Flow, which was brokered by the United States. It makes for migrants to move through Costa Rica in a more or less orderly fashion,” Yon says.

“The Chinese are coming through here in large numbers, about 200 per day and increasing, heading to the U.S. One Chinese man said he had tried to get into Florida by buying a boat in the Bahamas. He paid 5,000 dollars for it but ran out of gas and was picked up by the U.S. Coast Guard. The Bahamians deported him back to China, but he got off the plane in Cuba and then went to Quito, Ecuador. Then to the Darien Gap.”


Department of Homeland Security Mayorkas visited the Darien Gap camp on April 11, where he met with Panamanian leaders – allegedly to discuss ways to curb the migration flow. But Yon says that the motive for the trip was the opposite:

“Mayorkas has intentionally increased the size of the Darien Gap camp. He’s not shutting it down, like some fake reports in the media. They are actually clearing land to expand the camps. I’ve seen the trailers and the brand-new bunk beds myself,” Yon tells The Florida Standard.

[size:11pt]Read more: AG Moody: Biden’s DHS Secretary Mayorkas a Threat to National Security – Demands Impeachment[/size]


Yon says that the U.S. paid Panama $18 million for taking care of migrants, but the Panamanians said they only received one million dollars. Panama spent $8 million last year just on food for the passers-through, Yon states.

About 1,200 migrants per day are passing through, some stay in the camp because they are sick or need to rest. Some stay for months, some a week or less,” says Michael Yon.


Migrants are provided with printed guides with detailed maps and other information on how to get to their target country in the safest manner possible. These folders are produced by the Red Cross and entitled “How to Stay Safe and Well When Migrating.”




Moreover, according to their own statements, the American Red Cross is participating in the domestic trafficking of migrants once they have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border:

“Currently, the American Red Cross is providing support as needed to migrants being bussed by other organizations from the U.S.-Mexico border to U.S. cities. This includes supporting these lead organizations with services for migrants in their care by providing relief supplies or training. And, depending on local needs, our assistance might also include providing food, water, comfort, health services and mental health support,” the website states.

Vile, brutal sexual violence is prevalent on the migration route, as The Florida Standard has previously reported. Women and children are often raped. This is something that the organizations that facilitate illegal immigration are well aware of. They have even developed guidelines and the UN organization IOM provides migrants with so-called “rape kits” in custom shoulder bags.




Michael Yon says that many of the female migrants and children are violated, many multiple times. The “rape kit” contains a female condom, regular condoms and morning-after pills.


Michael Yon says that we are watching a true hostile takeover of the West, driven by the fascism of the World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party. The United Nations’ infrastructure and organizations are being used as vehicles.

“They don’t even hide it – they are telling you what they are going to do. Right now, the WEF and the CCP are colluding with each other, but they have different end-state goals. The WEF’s goal is to control the West through techno-fascism. But what many don’t know is that the CCP has a racial component to their ideology. Their goal is for the world to be ruled by Han Chinese,” Yon explains.

Yon has a terrifying prediction for the future.

“Sooner or later, they will put these third-world migrants in American uniforms. Then they will be used against the U.S. population. They are coming to take our homes and cars; they are coming to replace us. And our own government is behind it,” Michael Yon says.

Note: Images and videos courtesy of Michael Yon. Used with permission.

Full Article: The Florida Standard

Quote: EXCLUSIVE: Border Authorities Warn Of Greater Surge In Chinese Illegally Crossing Into US, Reveal Smuggling Routes

Jennie Taer
Investigative Reporter
March 30, 2023

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sent an internal alert to personnel about an expected surge in Chinese migrants crossing the southern border illegally, according to a document exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Border Patrol agents encountered more than 4,200 illegal migrants from China between October 2022 and February 2023, compared to roughly 1,900 in all of fiscal year 2022, according to CBP data.

“Chinese national apprehensions will continue to rise across the SWB [Southwest border]. primarily in Yuma and the Rio Grande Sector, as more Chinese nationals successfully reach the United States to request asylum and information about routes becomes more accessible,” the document stated.

Read more here:

Perhaps the good (D) congressman should be concerned about the US tipping over due to the massive influx of illegals entering our country from the south. Ya think?


Hank Johnson Worries Guam Could "Capsize" After Marine Buildup

By Stephanie Condon

April 1, 2010 / 6:40 PM / CBS News

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) is raising some eyebrows with a comment he made about the U.S. territory of Guam during a House Armed Services Committee hearing last Thursday.

In a discussion regarding a planned military buildup on the Pacific island, Johnson expressed some concerns about the plans to Adm. Robert Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific fleet.

"My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize," Johnson said. Willard paused and replied, "We don't anticipate that."

Online pundits have wasted no time lampooning the congressman for his remarks.

"Presumably, when you're the head guy of a major fleet for a big-time navy, you've got plenty of other ways of filling your time other than reassuring congressmen on whether miscellaneous land masses are likely to tip over and sink," Mark Steyn wrote at the National Review Online. "But it's business as usual in Congress."

The blog Left Coast Rebel said, "Call it a new low, a new 'tipping point' - even in the halls of Congress, if you will."

According to the Hill, a spokesman for Johnson responded to the incident by saying the congressman is concerned the influx of military personnel will overwhelm the island's infrastructure and ecosystem.

If Johnson's remarks were meant figuratively, he had a legitimate point.

The United States plans to move thousands of Marines and their families, about 8,000 people in all, to the small island of Guam, which has a current population of about 180,000. To prepare for the military buildup, the government is constructing new facilities on the island like an additional Marine base and a new airfield.

At the peak of construction, Guam's population would increase by 79,000 people, or about 45 percent, the Washington Post reported. The Environmental Protection Agency has reportedly said the military buildup could trigger island-wide water shortages and overload sewage systems and other public utilities.

Update 6:30 p.m. ET: Johnson released a statement on Thursday saying he was joking, according to CNN.

"The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island," the statement said.
Sleep well tonight, your DHS is awake....oh wait.....are they???

U.S. Put Migrant Gangbanger w/MS-13 Tattoos in Foster Home after Raping, Killing Woman


Originally Posted By: Interim Staff Report of the
Committee on the Judiciary
Under the Biden Administration’s radical open-borders policies, Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continue to allow dangerous
criminal aliens into American communities. Since January 2021, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection has encountered over 5.5 million illegal aliens along the southwest border.1 These are
just the illegal aliens who have been caught. There are an additional 1.5 million known
“gotaways” who have crossed the border undetected.2 In this mass of more than 7 million illegal
aliens—from nations as far away as Afghanistan3 and China4—U.S. officials have apprehended
suspected terrorists and violent criminals.5 But there is no telling how many more dangerous
illegal aliens are getting across the border unseen on Secretary Mayorkas’s watch.

Full report @ link above

Armed suspected Mexican cartel members arrested on Texas side of border

The suspects allegedly belong to the Cartel Del Noreste (CDN) and had at least two juveniles with them, authorities said

Louis Casiano
By Louis Casiano , Bill Melugin | Fox News

*Biden's border crisis: Shocking video of giant gaps in wall between US-Mexico reveals easy access for migrants founder Anthony Rubin warns of strong cartel presence and border instability as video reveals open gaps in the wall dividing the U.S. and Mexico.

Suspected members of a Mexican drug cartel were arrested this week after illegally crossing into the United States while armed with rifles and tactical gear, authorities said.

Five people suspected of being part of the Cartel Del Noreste (CDN) were taken into custody in Fronton, Texas, on Thursday by various law enforcement agencies during an operation that included the Texas Department of Public Safety, National Guard and U.S. Border Patrol.

Mexican drug cartel

Suspected Mexican drug cartel members armed with rifles were arrested on the Texas side of the southern border this week, authorities said. (Texas DPS)

Two of them were armed with rifles. They also had several juveniles with them.

Mexican drug cartels have become more brazen in recent years with their activities near the southern border.

In May, Mexico said it had arrested a top lieutenant of the violent Metros faction of the Gulf drug cartel implicated in 23 attacks on police and nine against military personnel.

The suspect was identified as Hugo Salinas Cortinas, whose nickname "La Cabra" means "The Goat."
Mexican cartel with juveniles

Authorities said juveniles with with the suspected cartel members. (Texas DPS)

He was arrested near the border. Mexican authorities said he was caught with two guns and 600 pills, apparently fentanyl.

Also in May, feuding cartels blocked roads in the border city of Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas. At one point, gunmen forced middle-school students off a school bus and used the vehicle as a blockade.

Mexican drug cartels at the Texas border

A suspected Mexican cartel member moves through brush on Fronton, Texas. (Texas DPS)


Matamoros has long been dominated by the Gulf cartel, but it has splintered into warring factions, one of which is reportedly allied with the Jalisco cartel.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

*Video & story here:

On another note,
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International bridge shutdown after attempted mass crossing

Brownsville TX Gateway Bridge shut down two days in a row by illegals, some say numbering in the 100's, storming the bridge in attempt to enter the US. Link above is report of the 5 June (1st day's) attempted incursion which resulted in about a three hour shutdown of the bridge.

It was reported the number of illegals attempting to cross was lower and bridge was closed approximately 30 minutes by CBP and Brownsville Police Dept. responding to call for backup from the federal officials.
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Seems to be a blackout on news along southern border lately??

WATCH: Gov. Ron DeSantis Provides Update on Operation Lone Star at Southern Border

Originally Posted By: THE TEXAS MINUTEAbbott Buses Illegal Aliens to Los Angeles
• Gov. Greg Abbott bussed more illegal aliens out of the state last week – this time to Los Angeles, California, a self-declared “sanctuary” city. Sydnie Henry has the details.

• Abbott’s busing scheme has delivered more than 21,000 illegal aliens to “sanctuary” cities such as D.C., New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Denver.

• In just four months Texas has spent more than $6,000,000 busing illegal aliens further into the country, according to records requested by Texas Scorecard from the Texas Emergency Management Department.

• The governor has promised to continue the scheme until President Joe Biden secures the border.
You may not be hearing anything about the border situation, but they're still coming!!

There are at least 6-7 charter busses staging at one local Brownsville, TX motel daily since expiration of Title 42. Don't suppose they're here to haul immigrants, do you?
Originally Posted By: hm1996You may not be hearing anything about the border situation, but they're still coming!!

There are at least 6-7 charter busses staging at one local Brownsville, TX motel daily since expiration of Title 42. Don't suppose they're here to haul immigrants, do you?

This is a daily routine, 5 more busses this morning (29 June). Wonder how many other motels in Rio Gramde Valley are hosting charter busses? Absolutely nothing on MSM about the continuing flood.

Hopefully you can view short video by clicking link at bottom or article.

71 Percent of Illegal Aliens Sent to ‘Republican Congressional Districts’: Study
Roman Balmakov

According to a deep dive investigation, there is a massive network of different organizations, NGOs, and religious centers that take illegal immigrants from the U.S. southern border and transport them to the interior of the United States—with the vast majority of these illegal immigrants winding up in Republican congressional districts.

And according to the most recent data, white people are now officially a minority within the state of Texas.

Hopefully, clicking the link at end of article will open the detailed video attached. If able to view video, be sure and watch around 25 minute mark to see how your tax dollars are going directly to the OIM (branch of UN) to fund this mass migration.

Border Deception: How the US and UN Are Quietly Running the Border

America’s border crisis is not organic. Behind the nearly 4.9 million illegal immigrants who entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office are criminal cartels, orchestration from the United Nations, and financing from the U.S. government. And while taxpayers are being told that local law enforcement and the National Guard are working to resolve the crisis, in reality, they’re being used to funnel migrants to networks of non-governmental organizations, who then traffic them for resettlement throughout the country.

In this investigative report, Crossroads host Joshua Philipp tours both sides of the U.S.–Mexico border to uncover what’s really behind the “Border Deception.”

If above link does not work, try this one

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A Texas National Guard soldier who was serving along the border @ Brownsville, Tx. in Operation Lone Star prior to expiration of pre-Title 42 has been identified as the individual infected with Malaria in Texas.

Quote:Malaria Reemerges in the US for the First Time in 20 Years

“One possibility is the importation of the disease by travelers returning from regions where malaria is prevalent,” he said.

A 2013 study found evidence suggesting that malaria is no longer restricted to forested regions and is influenced mainly by population movements, particularly those moving to agricultural regions, as stagnant waters in such areas provide suitable breeding sites for mosquitoes.

The United States is currently experiencing an illegal immigration crisis, with an “unprecedented” number of people crossing the southwest border illegally, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

“Nationwide, CBP’s apprehensions for [fiscal year] 2019 totaled 1,148,000, more than 970,000 along the Southwest border alone,” CBP Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan said in a statement. “This is a staggering 88 percent higher than the fiscal year 2018. These are numbers that no immigration system in the world can handle, not even this country.”

This influx of illegal immigrants is likely a significant factor contributing to the reemergence of diseases previously thought to be virtually eliminated in the country.

An article in the Journal of Travel Medicine highlighted that migrants are “disproportionately affected by preventable travel-related diseases, including malaria, typhoid, and hepatitis.” This is attributed to their “poor uptake of pre-travel prophylaxis and vaccination measures.”
Read entire story here:
Click here for: Latest updates on Texas Border

* Texas DPS Spokesman Warns Biden’s New Immigration Program Will Be Disastrous

* Installation of Gov. Abbott's Buoy Border Barriers Begins

* Will Texas Pass Border Security Measures in a Special Legislative Session?

* Virginia Deploys Support Troops to the Texas-Mexico Border

* Lawsuit Filed Against Border Buoy Barrier Initiative
