Your Pic of the Day

We shoot a few. :ROFLMAO:


Actually these ranches have enough hunters on them that hog population is kept pretty well under control and the landowner sets the quota per hunter each year to manage population, just as he does for all native and exotics. One of the ranches actually does not have any hogs at all, and he has gone to great lengths to keep it that way. One year my partner and I took 39 hogs off per landowner's request.
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No but I did have to put a 4" lift kit on it to keep from dragging the skid plates on high center on the ranch 2 tracks. Springs were pretty good, did repalace rear shocks twice, though. The hogs aren't all that heavy but some of the other stuff can pick the front end up a couple of inches. :)

This one tipped her up on the bow a bit

Lucky we were in my truck when we got this one; bent my 1.5" schedule 80 pipe boom
Clarence usually keeps a couple hog carcasses on the front rack of that red Jeep to offset the weight of the big boars on the back!;)
Actually, Bud, this is the other end of the jeep the night I took picture of hog on front rack. :ROFLMAO:

You shoot or just scan from that seat?
Mostly scan, but over the years I can remember a couple of nilgai and a few more coyotes that were picked off from the chair. Most of the coyotes were called in at night from the chair, only one called to the jeep during the day and and that was with jeep buried in the brush and a long shot; and a couple of drive by's in daylight. The conduit rest makes for a pretty darn steady rest. The chair, mounted on rear of vehicle, makes for a fairly rough ride; found out real quick the seat belt is very valuable.
Yeah do you have some air bags in those rear coils? My Jeep sags with a coyote or 2 in the back.
Actually, the chair/lift were a work in progress over the years until I sold my jeep. Built it for my truck with frame mounted hitch and it worked well....until it didn't. When this nilgai bent the boom, I just turned it 180* so that the boom pointed straigh up and it worked fine.....until it didn't.

The jeep hitch was a bumper mount and an extra heavy nilgai stripped the bumper to frame mounting bolts one night on way back to camp. Limped in w/the nilgai and figured out a way to chase the threads with a US tap, replaced bolts and moved the boom as close to bumper as I could to lessen the leverage on the boom. This worked well as long as I had the jeep.



Still used the original socket w/short section of boom for smaller stuff
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hm1996, You are right on both critters, I don't normally kill anything but cull's or cripples, the Elk 2 year old had a bad parrot mouth and was in very poor condition, the wildebeest was bad crippled, the Gemsbok, horn was broke and had maggots in it's head, ain't nature wonderful. Murl B.