Your Pic of the Day

I don't normally kill anything but cull's or cripples, the Elk 2 year old had a bad parrot mouth and was in very poor condition, the wildebeest was bad crippled, the Gemsbok, horn was broke and had maggots in it's head, ain't nature wonderful. Murl B.

It's a hard world out there, my friend, that's for sure.:(
So Clarence and Murl, It looks like you Texans don't field dress anything. Any particular reason why or you just prefer to do that in camp?
One reason is my old stiff back. Used to field dress game on the ground, but the ranches I hunt now all have nice facilities at camp complete w/winches, tables, walk in cooler and probably most important, running water and I don't have to stoop over so long.šŸ˜
This is the only thing I've (partially) field dressed on the ground on this ranch, but only because it was too heavy to winch up on the trailer until we lightened the load a bit.

Looking at Murl's pictures I'm guessing his ranches have same conveniences.

hm1996, Your right, we have a complete game cleaning area with scales, walk in cooler and walk in freezer, and a complete butcher shop, with all necessary Equipment.