What Happened To COVID???

Covid was a mask to throw an election, and it was a psyop on the entire world to see how people would respond to absurd and asinine demands. Seemed pretty successful to me. Covid was a flu bug and nothing more. That is why it has mutated, like all virus, to be of no concern. Still think it was something more than a flu, then why is the CDC now telling you to treat covid like a flu?
Think the lockdowns, social distancing and masking were based on "the science", then why is Fauci sitting before congress telling us that the weren't based on science but on hunches and assumptions?
Who is Anthony Fauci, a virologist? No Anthony Fauci is a political hack who was willing to lie, to deceive and to kill for an election. This wasn't about "the science" or any other lofty ideal. It was all about achieving a political end.
They used people's lives to usher in the greatest scam in American election history, the "mail in ballot".
Fauci, amongst others, needs to be arrested, tried and convicted. Then the death penalty should be used with extreme prejudice.
I did not wear the muzzle, I did not take the jab and I did pass go.
As the Great Paul Harvey would have said, "And now you know the rest of the story."
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Tulsi is one of the very few democrats that I can listen to, as a matter of fact I can't even thing of another one. She has the rare ability, especially for a democrat, to be logical, articulate and reasonable.
I have COVID toes now, docs first thought it was gout. I visited a friend at an assisted living facility, hadn't heard from him for 10 days. I stopped in the office to see if he had moved back to his apartment. The facility manager(who I knew) walked to my buddies room with me. At the door she said he sleeping, I said that's ok and went in. He turned down the tv, turned up the lights and we started talking. I gave him scrap about not answering his phone, that's when he said "I'm surprised they let you in, I had COVID last week". Well, 5 days later toe issues started. This is actually worse than when I had COVID in spring 2020.
I have COVID toes now, docs first thought it was gout. I visited a friend at an assisted living facility, hadn't heard from him for 10 days. I stopped in the office to see if he had moved back to his apartment. The facility manager(who I knew) walked to my buddies room with me. At the door she said he sleeping, I said that's ok and went in. He turned down the tv, turned up the lights and we started talking. I gave him scrap about not answering his phone, that's when he said "I'm surprised they let you in, I had COVID last week". Well, 5 days later toe issues started. This is actually worse than when I had COVID in spring 2020.
I haven't heard of covid toes, but many other after effects, too numerous to mention. Fauci continues to pass the buck with answers that are stupid!
Tulsi is one of the very few democrats that I can listen to, as a matter of fact I can't even thing of another one. She has the rare ability, especially for a democrat, to be logical, articulate and reasonable.
Joe Manchin is another level headed Democrat that is few and far between, along with Tulsi.

The majority of the democratic party has moved into coo coo land and are completely ridiculous.
Joe Manchin is another level headed Democrat that is few and far between, along with Tulsi.

The majority of the democratic party has moved into coo coo land and are completely ridiculous.
I forgot about Joe. I read a week or so ago that he finally left the party of darkness and is now a independent.
My 101 year old grandma had it last month. I believe this was the third time she had it. The sad thing is, the nursing home still quarantined her in her room for two weeks.
One thing is for sure....

Covid rather it was real or not changed a lot of people's lives. I lost one of my best friends of 20 years because of it. She did not die from it, she's a RT and had patient after patient lay there and die because everything they done made it worse. Young, old, healthy, sick, they died. She has major PTSD from it. We dealt with it for a while, but in the end it tore us apart because I am one of those that believe it was 100% government created, masks don't work, and vax are BS.
I got the jab at her request, haven't gotten Covid. She did couple months ago, like the normal FLU. I have had some medical issues since then that are not easily explained.
Just got back from a Mediterranean Cruise and 3 out of the 4 of us got Covid. Some friends went on the same cruise the next week and got it. Its still around. Funny thing is we had a hard time finding the medicine for it here .
None of my bunch got the vax. I got it about a year into it. Worst sore throat I have ever had. Basically Slet for 2.5 days and felt terrible.

My son had it twice with flu in between the first and second time over 2 years. I personally knew 3 people who died, and 3 that were on a ventilator for over a month, but recovered.

I still see a few people around wearing masks. Mainly old people and/ or blacks. Could never figure out the ones that are seen wearing g a mask while driving in their cars by themselves?
they swabbed you and you tested positive for Covid, then THAT was your cause of death. Forget the fact your entire chest was caved in from an automobile accident, you died of Covid.
Ain’t that the truth! I was doing violent crimes investigations through Covid and the amount of unattended deaths and other non covid related deaths that got chalked up to COVID by various health departments was ridiculous.

I’m in the camp that was forced into getting the jab out of fear to keep my job and way of life for the family. Real hard to resist bullshit mandates when you got a brand new mortgage, an infant kid, and finally a comfortable job you worked hard to get into. Had I been a single guy I’d like to think it would be a different story.

I feel stupid for getting the jab but I only got one at the very last second before some disciplinary action was handed down. Like a month later the BS mandate got pulled back. No one I know got in trouble for not getting the vax, just threatened and screwed with.
I was told they CANNOT deny a religious exemption and that’s what I applied for. Up until last Summer I was still SUPPOSED to double mask, lol. I think I had 2 jobs during Covid that absolutely required a mask.
Well I jinxed myself…wife and I both have it right now. But then again so do half the others in our group that went on the cruise. Just part of the experience, lol.
Well I jinxed myself…wife and I both have it right now. But then again so do half the others in our group that went on the cruise. Just part of the experience, lol.

Godspeed on the recovery, hopefully it's not serious like the rest of the general flu stuff for you all.
So far just drainage in the throat, a pretty decent headache, a little lightheaded, and slight body aches. I’ve pretty much been immune to it, but I was told after my new hip that I’d be a little more susceptible to viruses. Wouldn’t be so bad except I’m running traps right now too. Remakes this morning were a little rough.