What Happened To COVID???

Well, I’ll never downplay Covid again. This bout is rough! I ran a fever up to 102.3 for 12hrs yesterday. I was in the house with wool longjohns, a wool long sleeve top, and wool socks. I had 2 blankets and 3 dogs piled on me for extra heat.
About 8:30pm my fever broke and I was down to my skivvies sitting in a pile of sweat. My head felt like it was going to explode the entire time. My eyeballs even hurt. Everything on my body hurts. No energy, lightheaded, etc. I’m hungry but I’m not. I’m thirsty but I’m not.
Called into a telemed last night through my company and this Doc wanted to prescribe me something that the side effect is DEATH. I went to my Doc this morning and she said HECK NO to those meds and told me to suck it up and if I hadn’t improved at least a little by tomorrow she’d call me something in.
I think this will wind up my cruising for a while. I honestly can’t remember a time I felt this bad since I had a tick bite about 20+ years ago.
Unfortunately we have it going on here. My doctor, who I like, she had me get the vaccine. Not she said because it works, but because it reduces the severity. I want to give special reach out to China and thank them for this crap. And no I only wear masks on Halloween. One final note, this crap has been hard on our senior citizens.
Well, day 5 I think. Ain’t sure what’s going on, but still ain’t right. Got an echo in my head, heart rate is running about 100-110 (normally about 62-68) and get light headed now. Throat is much better, but sneezing like crazy and feels like it’s in my chest. So far 7 out of the 14 that went on the cruise has this mess.
What's interesting to me is how they censored doctors and anyone from discussing alternative treatments that were already widely available, cheaper and not as dangerous like Ivermectin and HCQ. There was a 24 hour a day propaganda war on alternative treatments and anyone discussing those other options.

IMO There is no way they could of had a safe and or effective vaccine ready for world wide distribution in just a few weeks or months.
So far just drainage in the throat, a pretty decent headache, a little lightheaded, and slight body aches. I’ve pretty much been immune to it, but I was told after my new hip that I’d be a little more susceptible to viruses. Wouldn’t be so bad except I’m running traps right now too. Remakes this morning were a little rough.
Glad you're doing well, wife doing alright?
Well, day 5 I think. Ain’t sure what’s going on, but still ain’t right. Got an echo in my head, heart rate is running about 100-110 (normally about 62-68) and get light headed now. Throat is much better, but sneezing like crazy and feels like it’s in my chest. So far 7 out of the 14 that went on the cruise has this mess.
Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Wife and I both had Covid in Jan. of '23 after two vaccines and a booster. We were thankful that neither of our symptoms were severe at our age. However, our memory suffered for several months. Thankfully the wife doesn't seem to have any lasting issues, but I can no longer smell anything and was in hospital three times in '23. Twice for bleeding issues and once w/Afib . Still on medication for the heart issues and pretty severe shortness of breath and heart rate is still running high. Had been in good health prior to Covid. Neither of us have taken the third shot and don't intend to.
LOL Covid was released all across the world

all in an effort for the Dems to get Biden elected LOL !!!

Yes !! that's it !! it was all about the USA and our elections

ohh the pride and arrogance involved in that is beyond limitations

It was about installing a new nanotech operating system in everybody
The hackable animals .....as they refer to those that fell for the fear porn.

or the need to blend into society and NOT miss a step so as to be inconvenienced
yano ...I want my normal life back line of BS .

Don't believe me , obviously as those that have been duped will always remain in denial
they will never believe they could possibly be tricked.....therefore they fight the facts tooth
and nail...

even when they that did it !! admit it !

hear it from the horses mouth ! yourself....

Can you handle the truth ??

I'm a former engineer and have already fully verified this as fact !
myself with my own real world testing and study .

Don't get pissed at me for telling you the truth ....
At least I have the integrity to tell you the truth ....

It wasn't me who lied to you, nor manipulated you to do something
that you may have refused had you known the truth...

Pretty sure everyone knows about Covid and the vax, lol. Still doesn’t take away the fact it’s around and here to stay. It does affect some different than others and even the different variants can affect an individual differently. I’m on day 9 and went back to work yesterday.
I still get lightheaded when I cough and can’t seem to get enough sleep. I still get up every morning at 0545 to go run my trapline, but been going to bed much earlier…like in 6 more minutes, lol.
I still hear myself echo in my head and according to my wife, I don’t even sound like myself when I talk.
Thankfully pigs nor coyotes have showed up on my cameras at other properties because I don’t know if stalking or staying out a little later is doable. Hoping this clears soon because this virus has worn out it’s welcome.
Pretty sure everyone knows about Covid and the vax, lol. Still doesn’t take away the fact it’s around and here to stay. It does affect some different than others and even the different variants can affect an individual differently. I’m on day 9 and went back to work yesterday.
I still get lightheaded when I cough and can’t seem to get enough sleep. I still get up every morning at 0545 to go run my trapline, but been going to bed much earlier…like in 6 more minutes, lol.
I still hear myself echo in my head and according to my wife, I don’t even sound like myself when I talk.
Thankfully pigs nor coyotes have showed up on my cameras at other properties because I don’t know if stalking or staying out a little later is doable. Hoping this clears soon because this virus has worn out it’s welcome.
No it's obvious from your reply you, and everyone knows nothing about the vax ......I'm sorry it's this animal response that maintains the protocol
that is in place ...and has been unleashed upon you .

It quite simply is beyond your comprehension ..
Thus ,,, you will remain the " animals" they refer to you as ....

It was never a vax ......"it " was laughably easy to administer
as the subjects are as oblivious as one could hope for .....

fish in a barrel
No it's obvious from your reply you, and everyone knows nothing about the vax ......I'm sorry it's this animal response that maintains the protocol
that is in place ...and has been unleashed upon you .

It quite simply is beyond your comprehension ..
Thus ,,, you will remain the " animals" they refer to you as ....

It was never a vax ......"it " was laughably easy to administer
as the subjects are as oblivious as one could hope for .....

fish in a barrel
Wow! Way to come on board and be part of something! I’m sure you’re very important and have connections high enough on the worldwide ladder to have personally researched and proven this information you’re spewing! Being a former engineer and all? I guess some may be satisfied with your heavily edited video as “PROOF” of your claims. I’m going to need a little more though. Could you explain how you researched this and proved it to be true!

Please type slowly so I can keep up. This post will self destruct in 10 seconds! 🤪
When the Vax came out I researched as much as possible. I have some friends that are biologist, as in high up the food chain biologist. Every one of them including some Docs I respect advised against getting the Vax. The ingredients alone made them say No Way. If that’s an animal response, then so be it. I’ve seen folks still get it and worse than me and they’re vaxed. I don’t regret it one bit and won’t ever get it. Even when threatened with losing my job I wouldn’t get it.
All I’ve been giving is my recent experience with the virus. If that upsets you, tough.
Boy Kino, this sure got some traffic. Me and Suz got vac plus 5 boosters in 6 month intervals then quit getting them. I was not one to get shots until I hit 68 then the son in law (a Doc) said I better so flu shots, pneumonia, and shingles were taken. Anyhow , we both got covid in Jan. 21 or 22 that was not much more than a 3 day light cold. Suz got it last winter again.
We did know a few who died from it back when and some were healthy individuals.
As for now, our daughter's mother in law just got over it (was on a cruise) and from last winter till now several people we know have been diagnosed with it.
It does seem to have morphed into not much more than a flu like critter to all that we know who got it.
When Covid came around, they (smart people) used CRISPER to look for a solution. Several were close but no cigar (what would attach and prevent Covid from getting through the cell wall to replicate). Then the groups that tried HIV/AIDS 'cures' did some experiments with the mRNA. H.S. friend's kid was working the AIDS stuff, dad real proud of him (Maderna).
Before it got real attention I caught some kind of cough that had me coughing up a lung non stop and I couldn’t fall asleep either because I kept coughing all night. After a few days of this and barely any sleep I went to the hospital and they took blood tests to see if I had the new thing from china. Blood test came back negative and they gave me Tylenol 3s to help me sleep so I could recover by rest. By that point I thought it might kill me it was so bad, and in hindsight think it was probably Covid. That one would kill people no problem

I got the shots a few times and got Covid a few times and my lungs just don’t feel the same as they did before I got that first cough I mentioned above.