What Happened To COVID???

Must have sniffed the wrong kid


Paxlovid was reported as being in very short supply in S TX today but no one is reporting a spike in Covid. hmmmm
When they came out with all the Covid do this or your going to die regulations I just said NO!! I ain't doing all that Crap, so no shots, no masks, No Tests, NO COVID for me, I live out here in the middle of no where with very little contact with the general public, I know a couple of people that tested positive, and used it as a excuse to go fishing for a few day's, Covid has has had no effect on me or the people here on the ranch. Murl B.
have a friend of the family and his wife who boh came down recently

he was in the hospital for a severe infection in his foot (diabeeeetuus related). he's a known lung patient there - and they f**&(*#$&*% put a covid positive patient in the same room with him. big supprise - he got it.

they then sent him home to his wife - a cardiac patient who had a bypass last year - and of course she got it within a couple days.

thankfully they've both recovered, but wtf, seriously... could the hospital have effed that up any worse?
I know a women that has had every shot you can get and every booster you can get and she comes down with covid 2-3 times a year. I may be wrong but I have noticed that a lot of older people die with covid but they don't die from covid, Covid just helped send them on their way, Stay healthy and active as long as you can,and don't get Doctored to death like so many people do. YMMV Murl B.
You know how it came from Wuhan and Lyme originated near the town of Lyme, CT.. I was told by a knowledgeable guy that Lyme disease was developed in a lab on Plum Island, Mass. in the mid 70's. I repeated this to a pharmacist/herbalist friend I have known since grade school (who has had Lyme 3 times) who said it is true, but all records are no longer "public".
Interesting if true.
You know how it came from Wuhan and Lyme originated near the town of Lyme, CT.. I was told by a knowledgeable guy that Lyme disease was developed in a lab on Plum Island, Mass. in the mid 70's. I repeated this to a pharmacist/herbalist friend I have known since grade school (who has had Lyme 3 times) who said it is true, but all records are no longer "public".
Interesting if true.
Also the H5N1 bird flu. Is just a man made pathogen cut from the 70 year old 1950's H2N2 bird flu .
The DOD is the main culprit of COVID,. Washing funds-$$$ to smaller contracts who subcontract off-shore in pathogen development, so to help DOD maintain plausible deniability. Wuhan lab, Fauci, NIAID..etc are just the money sucking whores lacking in Conscience, Morals, Ethics, because non is needed to apply to Government Grant Research.