Trail Cam Pics?


Well-known member
Anyone have any good trail cam pics worth sharing! My first ever bobcat pic

Pair of Grays

Drunken Doe!
Cool! No game cameras, but in a lifetime of hunting have seen only single bobcats. Have only seen multiple bobcats one time; a female with two small kittens.
I have 1000s of pics of predators
Me too. I was just perusing through a bunch last night and some of them brought back some cool memories. My first bobcat pic I had just made a set about 80 yards from that camera. It was a close quarters setup in a swamp. The time stamp on the pic was exactly the time I called it quits on the set. I couldn’t have killed the bobcat if it did show due to area/season restrictions but it would have been sweet to have it show up.

That doe pic is one of about 20 where she just stood in front of the camera making all kinds of crazy facial expressions! It was like she knew she was on camera! Lol
That doe pic is one of about 20 where she just stood in front of the camera making all kinds of crazy facial expressions! It was like she knew she was on camera! Lol
LOL, kinda like all those clowns on TV news who realize they are in the camera frame (move to get into it) and stand behind the announcer (or ???) and make faces hoping someone at home will see them.
He is sure very interested. Does your camera emit a light when it fires? I've seen some that have a visible LED that flashes as picture is taken.