NYS Coyote Hunters


I'm sure you've seen the type, and it breaks my heart when I see, what has been termed "slob hunter's", come onto a property and mess it up, especially without asking. And then have the folks still allowing them access even after the fact. Usually kindly older folks that don't want any trouble.
Usually, I don't make any stink for the most part about who's on the property, as that's really none of my business, but if I see a gross injustice to someone's land, based on my time as a cop, I'll confront them and get their info one way or another, and report it to the owner's. They know that I'm more than willing to give a statement and go to court if need be, as I'm within my element there.

Enough of that......

Anyway.....I didn't think..
All of the realtor info is on that link I sent you, and the only thing the pic shows is the house, and it doesn't do it any justice at that. Looks much nicer in person. It doesn't show the garage or any of the surrounding layout, so I'll head up there soon and get a couple of decent shots of the whole layout if you're interested.
The property length on my side seems to run about 600-700yds down it's side. I think it posted on the link that the frontage was 740feet. I know the side that the creek runs down probably runs past the creek, or could border on the center of it, but I think it border's the field's edge (Bob & Sandy King's property-nice folks). Anyway, it's a nice chunk of wooded land that most folks know nothing about but us hunters.
If your interested, I can always take you for a tour of the property. Property stake to property stake, and everything in between, just so that you get the full effect of the whole package.

The whole road is pretty much lined with hunter's of the like that frequent this forum. Good guys that when out in the field, and you meet up with them by happenstance, you'd maybe put on a drive or two, helping each other out, then always part as friends. Or, if you see them dragging a deer, you head over and lend a hand.
If we see each other in certain area's that we wanted to maybe hunt, we always give due courtesy and find another spot.

Pretty decent folk, whether they hunt or not.

Anyway.....(back to reality) yes, have a great Christmas all around.

Take care,
Bob, same thing here. They come east from Binghamton, Johnson City,and west from Elmira buying up large areas from a "not so financially well" area where they know the deer and turkey abound and post the heck out of it. Over the last 2 years seen 16 deer dead on a farmer/buds property that "wandered" over from theirs and died /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif They didn't even bother to track their kills (never mind asking for permission to do so.) Then there are the p$ss ant road hunters /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/angry-smiley-055.gif Well, gettin my blood pressure up. Regards, Mark.
Someone was looking for aerial/satellite maps recently. Terraserver and Google are good, but I think this NY page is the best if you have high-speed internet. It loads slower, but gives better pics.

You will need to zoom in to 1.00 miles or less to see the satellite pic, anything larger and you'll see the "road" map. The nice thing about these maps is that every year 1/4th of the counties in the state are updated, so the oldest maps are only 4 years old.

Here's the link: http://www1.nysgis.state.ny.us/MainMap.cfm
Yeah Mark,

Everytime I think about that type of hunting, or hunter, I get real hot.
Actually, not only is it immoral and unethical to not bother to track them, it's also illegal. You have to make every effort to retrieve your game.
It's a hard law to prove or enforce, which is why you don't see, or hear much about it.
I've heard from one of my DEC officer buddy's who observed a guy that stepped out in a field, shoot a small doe, and probably based on it's small size, watched it run off wounded.
It was obvious to both the DEC officer and the hunter that the deer had been hit, as it fell down once then got up and ran.
The hunter walked over to where the deer was standing when it was shot, then turned and walked towards the road like no big deal. In other words, if it didn't drop dead right there, I'm not going to bother to chase it.

Not all of them mind you, but I find that most of the imported city hunters that come out this way to hunt deer either have no clue, or just don't care.
If they're new to hunting of any type, we're pretty easy going folks and we'll help them out, but if they're the "slob hunter's" that just have no respect for game, other's property, or " all of the above", those individual's I have absolutely no use for.

I'm on the same page of music as you are when it comes to those type of folks.

Take care,

Thanks, I'll give that link a try also, sounds good if they update a lot. Speaking of updates, Google World program has a new version out. The zoom-in's to certain land is much better and clearer now.


Nothing more boils my blood than seeing any animal killed by a hunter that didn't bother to track it. Can't stand some of these idiot so-called hunters. I am certainly not an old hand at this game, but I do know right from wrong and I just can't stand how these 'hunters' think only of themselves and no one else.


No need to run out and take pix. Although I wish there was a plot of land like that without the house to buy. Just need the land and good land (and the folks around it ) are hard to find. And I'd love to come down any time, just say the word. I hate to impose on anyone, but with invitation I'll be there with bells on.

The wife and I ended up shopping yesterday (the busy day) and although I regret waiting until today to shop (less crowds, etc.) I ended up getting a new printer for my office/work shop. So I'll be busy getting a flyer together today and will start to deliver them tomorrow or the next day and any time I'm out and about. I'm sure I'll get some local action, there's just too many coyotes up here for the farmers to ignore.

Hope Santa brought you guys everything you asked for and more.
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hey guys. hope your holiday was nice.

hit the field this morning for a few stands. there was a light dusting of snow...perfect. first two stands nothing showed.
the third stand we were set up on the edge of a field, hardwoods straight ahead with brush fields on both sides and a scrubby ditch behind us. wind was blowing left to right so i put my dad down wind of me in case they come in along the right scrub line and i would cover the other scrub line cuz i knew they would not come into the open field during the daylight. so about 10-15 minutes into the set, a red fox comes in from up wind of me and along the ditch and busts me. never thought he would come in that way but he did. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gifby the time i had the gun up he was long gone. well, i guess it's fox 1 goose 0. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif oh well, it was fun!! i was blowing rabbit distress.

anybody else have any luck? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused1.gif
Goose: No luck, but then again I haven't gone out since the week before Xmas. If I don't dig up any local land within the next week or so I'll head down to my regular private land. Seems I have better luck seeing them when I don't have a rifle with me or it's within city limits and I can't take a shot any ways. It's frustrating sometimes.

I've got the itch to get back out, so it'll be soon. Meanwhile I hope you have better luck. You just never know which way they'll be coming.
hey Mark, I took the bullet call out with me this morning. Went to a place in Perrysburg where I deer hunt, my partner and I. There was 2 or 3 inches of snow , w/ little sw breeze, and fox tracks all over ,that were fresh.We went 40 yards into the woods , picked a spot w/ visibility, and began our set. Now this bullet call makes an awsome bird distress for me , so I started out with that.Did 2 minutes 4 times , and waited. Nothing . got up to leave and low and behold , fox tracks 25 yards in a blind spot to our down wind, that werent there on our way in.

we did everything right exept kill what we were after.
live and learn

Anyway I love the call ,and it makes great distress music for me .

thanks again
Gentlemen: Have not been out for a while /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Bob, yep, the "city-its" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif Like that term though. Fits them.
Goose, sounds like you had a good day with your dad /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
Rc, be talkin to ya.
Jim, sounds like you have the call working for ya. Also sounds like a great spot./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif I would go back there again considering all the fox sign and give it another go. Got to hit the rack. Regards to all, Mark.
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happy new year guys!

had a good weekend. friday evening i decided to make a couple stands before dark and it was exciting. walking to our 1st stand location, i spot a nice red fox walking across an open field. so i let him go to where he was going and as soon as i couldn't see him i knelt down and i mouse squeeked him right into me 15 yds. nice size male. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

so right after that, my dad and i made a stand and we called in another but we must of got busted cuz my dad spotted it running away. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused1.gif

then sunday we went out again and started calling right at daybreak, and about 5 minutes into the set, took another nice red fox. all in all it was a great weekend!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Hey Goose, that's a great looking pair of reds /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gifLooks like ya really started the New Year off with "bang." /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-006.gif Regards, Mark.
Hey Goose, great hunting! Nice to have a couple fresh red's for the new year. Congratulations!

Finished making my 'brochures' to pass out to the local farmers around here. I'll start dropping them off this week. Who knows, maybe I'll get a call (or two or three). Went by the spot where I always see turkeys and coyotes (street behind me) and there was someone in there. Their truck was parked way off the road. I've seen this truck before, don't know if he's taking photos or has permission to hunt (could even be the owner). If I ever see him in or near the truck I'll be sure to ask.

The weather forecasts are predicting another warm front coming in this weekend. Hard to believe we're getting 40-50 degree weather in January. Long range says it's going to continue. The lake is 43 degrees! (If ever there was a set up for a snow storm off the lake, this is is it.) Warmest weather in 137 years. Only thing I don't like about it is having to walk through all the mud. But I guess it's better than freezing one's a** off! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Good goin' goose....

I haven't been out since I got the two before Christmas. When I called my partner, Dennis, although he was happy I nailed the two, I think he was bummed because he couldn't get out until after the holidays due to family being up.

I decided to give it a rest and wait until this weekend. We usually hunt together and it works real well for the 360 degree view. He hasn't nailed a decent fox in a year or so, but he did get the last coyote during deer season last year. From the looks of it, if we can get out before the hound hunters start pushing the coyotes, we got a decent chance at nailing a couple.
Besides the coyotes, it appears that the fox are running pretty strong this year, so scoring on a couple of them doesn't look too diffcult for Dennis.

Seeing that you're using a shotgun, I gotta go out with mine a couple of times and use the old scattergun. I haven't used mine for fox, or coyotes in some time.


Take care,
I'm going out for the first time this year on thurs. It should be a good time. I've scout the area and right in teh middle is a fox den so check back to see what I got.

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