After much thought, analysis, and wondering if TSS was going to pay off for me (literally), I decided to stay with it and see what I could find. Persistence pays of, Right???? So, here is what I took with me into the next load….
1. My patterns were a little high, so I needed larger paper that would show my pattern a few inches higher.
2. I discovered the tighter wad, with both chokes, put less pellets on target than the spec wad.
I really felt like I was on to something with my patterns, and analysis, so this is what I came out with... 1.5 ounce (125 pellet) load, following the load developer specs with the wad. I decided to see if the Carlson Coyote choke was too restrictive and pattern my full choke as well. I figured from here I could see if I needed a choke somewhere in the middle.
One key note here, that I stated originally that I would point out again! Counting hits changed from the 9” circle to an “eyeballed” ten inch circle around the painted 9”. I did this to more easily compare what I had with my expectations based on DAA’s patterning output. So if you count the holes inside the circle and count a few less, look around the edge and see what is close to ½ inch all around and count these. I did not count these shots double on the “outside” number. So adding both numbers still yields total hits on paper. Now, on to the results.
It sprinkled off and on, but I kept at it. Some of the pics may be more difficult to “read” than others. My apologies.
First up, the Rem Full choke. I expected this to be closest to the sweet spot.
40 yds. 12 hits in 10” circle, 97 outside the circle, 109 on paper of 125 pellets! Finally, an improvement. But only 12 in 9”, is this worth the cost?
50 yds. 0 hits in 10” circle, 34 outside the circle, Only 34 on paper of 125 pellets. [beeep]? This fell apart, literally. Donut pattern, is it overchoked, or is it not choked enough?
Next up, Carlson’s Coyote Choke. With the 40 yard results on the full choke, at least I am not a total “Debbie Downer”, but to say I was not enthused is an over statement….
40 yds. 30 hits in 10” circle, 81 outside the circle, 111 on paper of 125 pellets! Much, freaking, better.
50 yds. 10 hits in 10” circle, 92 outside the circle, 102 on paper of 125 pellets. Maybe we are getting somewhere.
50 yds again. 12 hits in 10” circle, 78 outside the circle, 90 on paper of 125 pellets. Definately consistent.
I had one more, so put it at 60 yards and let’s see, Right?
60 yds. 11 hits in 10” circle, 59 outside the circle, 70 on paper of 125 pellets. Not too bad.
For now, I am pretty pleased with this. I will likely re-pattern the 1.5 oz load at 40/50/60 again someday. It provides me a load for hunting public land with non-tox shot, and better range/effectiveness/pattern density than I have with anything else. I think “Minute of Coyote” I have a 50 yard one shot range, and patterns effective enough for follow ups to 60 yards. Only time will tell this, and for now I plan to start my hunting back in Aug/Sept when the pups disperse. I cannot help but think though that a little less choke would yield tighter patterns at 50 and 60 yards, but I honestly prefer the cloud vs the wad. At those ranges, my misses probably aren’t by mere inches.
In several months, if anyone has any extended choke tubes, with Rem threads, and wants to send them to me… I would be happy to slap it on and shoot it at 40/50, perhaps 60 and send it back. Then we all have more information, and perhaps I find a better choke! If I keep funding all of this myself I will need a second job, and that will not happen!
For the near term however, I will be out of commission. Tell your loved ones, start their Dr. appointments and checkups early, and be vigilant. In late March my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer at 45 and half years old. Much, much younger than most diagnosis of this kind. Her prognosis is very positive as we caught this early, and at her young age she has a ton of fight left in her. We have our first surgery next week on May 10th, followed by treatment and at least one more surgery. We don’t always fight breast cancer, but when we do we conquer it! Peace out for now my friends.