Hi all, I have read through this thread since it’s inception and referred back to it numerous times. I figured I should finally contribute to keep things at least crawling along!
What I have found over a bunch of years of pattern testing for predator shotguns is very much in line with what most of the experienced shotgunners have laid out in this thread. You had better do some pattern testing, and be prepared to do some more… and some more… and some more with different combinations of loads, chokes, barrel lengths and maybe even some soul selling to find something that works! Lol… I’m not ashamed to say that I have been envious as [beeep] at some of the patterns I’ve seen in this thread. I truly hope that some of them were repeatable, consistent patterns as every once in awhile a horrible combination will make you think you’ve arrived! Here's my story….
I started calling predators around 2000 or so and got hooked hard. My earliest setup was pretty much for fox only and it was my 870 short barrel turkey gun with a red dot. I was running a modified choke and steel T waterfowl loads and they would crush fox all day long! Well, all night long I should say. After calling in my first coyote (never got a shot off btw) I became obsessed with calling for them. The fellow that introduced me to this addiction respectfully warned me that my loads were not ideal and I needed to move up to something with a bit more punch. And that’s when all of the fun started! “Fun” can be extremely frustrating as I found out!
I’ve always shot Remington shotguns. Local pride I guess as I’m only about 15 minutes from the Ilion NY plant. BTW, Remington is a mere shadow of it’s former self in my opinion, and doubt I would buy the current production they’re turning out? I digress… I bought some 3” Remington 4 buck loads and grabbed my limited supply of chokes and hit the patterning board. After about 20 rounds and 4 chokes worth of disappointment I figured that Remington must have screwed up that lot of 4 buck! I was lucky to get more than a few pellets on a 24”x24” square paper at 40 yards with any of the combinations. I purchased different loads and the copper plated federals were better but not what I would call great. At the time I was told don’t go tighter than Modified with buckshot. Well I knew from testing that Full was slightly better, but again, not great. It took me quite awhile to convince myself that extra full was worth trying. I’d been told I’d bulge barrels and blow chokes by about half of the people that I talked to. The other half didnt have much input other than “try it and see what happens!” I think it was on ebay that I bought a factory Remington Extra Full extended tube. I think it was around a .690” but not sure exactly? I had a .665” at the time but figured that was far too tight for buckshot. Well the extra full was awful! Worse than the full. I felt defeated and dug into the research a bit and read where guys were using copper plated BB. So I bought some Federal WingShok 3” BB loads and hit the patterning boards again. Better by quite a bit through that EF choke and that became my load for some time. Not the best, but it would work out to 35 yards or so.
Dead Coyote comes on the scene! I saw the ads. I read the hype… 70 yard kills etc. I had to try it. I did try it but it was a bit bittersweet. It was definitely better than any 4 buck I’d tried but 70 yards wasn’t ever a thought. But why? It must be that I needed the Dead Coyote Choke! So I got one and while slightly better than my flush Full choke that was rated for steel shot, it wasn’t very consistent. More reading and I determined that I needed my forcing cone lengthened. That didn’t help with predators but it did help a little with turkey loads so not a complete waste I guess?
So now I have this super hyped up combination of choke tube and load and a slightly modified barrel and still a 35-40 yard marginal pattern. What now? Lets try a different gun of course. I’ve got a couple 1187’s lying around. Nope.. no better. Let me get a different choke. Lets go back to copper plated 4 buck loads, how about a different barrel? I became obsessed with winning this fight guys! I made some small improvements over time and realized I could at least save a ton of money shooting lead over the DC because I had gotten to a point of close performance.
I’ve at this point settled into the fact that 50 yards is my max and under that is very much preferred. After trying about every choke manufacturer out there in constrictions from .665” up, a few different guns and every available load known to man I have settled on an 1187 with a .670” Pure Gold choke from a 21” barrel with lengthened forcing cone. The absolute best patterns are with Winchester Varmint-X Lead BB loads but it also shoots acceptable 40 yard patterns with 2-3/4” Winchester 4 buck 27 pellet loads.
Same choke and loads work as well in my 870 Turkey gun with 21” barrel
Some other findings along the way… I found that as barrel lengths got longer I achieved better patterns with a more open choke. Jeb’s .680” High Voltage waterfowl choke from my 1187’s and 4 buck in both 26” and 28” barrels performed much better than from the shorter barrels. A .685” XXFull Comp N Choke also performed well with 4 buck from the longer barrels. Another note… I found the shorter barrels did better with the 27 pellet 2-3/4” loads, where the longer barrels did better with the heavier 3” 41 pellet loads. The longer barrels seemed more forgiving of payload as well. Just my findings. Your mileage may vary? [beeep], I’m sure it will vary!… we’re talking predator shotguns here! Lol…
So after all of this… Pattern your guns guys! It's a must. I wrote a lot because nobody else has been! Lol… but I hope something in these ramblings helps somebody out there.