NEW Shotgun Pattern Test Results - Detail & Pic' heavy...

The green scotch brite pad works fine with a slurry of Kroil and JB compound. Some guys use 0000 steel wool with no issues. The key is to keep the pad/wool wet and go slowly so as to not build up or cause heat. Since I now use Benelli and Beretta guns with chromed bores I no longer use this method. Back in the day I did experiment with this on several Remington and Browning bores and generally saw some improvement. As I said, the results were variable and seemed dependent upon the individual gun and choke. BTW, don't forget the choke - it must be cleaned also.
I keep hearing "green" scotch brite pads, but is the box marked "heavy duty"? That is all I saw at the store. Is this the correct pad?

There is also more than one type of "JB paste". Non-embedding and bore bright. Which is the necessary compound?

I don't have any of the scotch brite pads on hand right now and couldn't tell you what the box says. Maybe someone else has some around and can help with that.

The JB I have always used is the non-embedding bore compound.
Thanks for the info. One more question about the polish, is JB the only/best thing or would something like a Flitz or any metal polish??
Thanks again
New to the forum here, new to predator hunting, have tried a few times with a rifle but have yet to have success. Recently bought an 870 express tactical.

18.5" 870 express tactical
Kicks Howler L choke
(supposed to be a #1b or#4b choke)

Rem 3" #4b
Fed 3" #4b
Fed Prem 3" #4b

Here are some pattern tests. Targets are 18" x 14" and paper is close to 3'x3'





Rem #4b

Fed #4b

Fed Prem #4b (poa a little off)


Rem #4b - 31 hits on 3'x3' (best pattern on 14" x 18"@ 40yds)

Fed #4b - 34 hits on 3'x3'

Fed Prem #4b - 31 hits on 3'x3'

Just for reference this is what I measure my choke at, not sure if this is correct way to do it but its what I had.


Never hunted with a scatter gun before, I'm a rifle guy but I think I've got a 30yd gun, 40yds is pretty pathetic compared to some in this thread.

So now where to go? It looks like Dirty Dog has the same gun as I in this thread and the Dead Coyote choke wasn't much better than the Kicks Holwer H and my Holwer Lead wasn't much better than his posts. Might have to give kicks a call.

Any truth in a short barrel length affecting the shot from the pressure at the muzzle? Just pondering here.
I sure wouldn't stretch it past 30 yards. You only have about .045" constriction from your bore, I would get a bit tighter choke until I had about .055" - .060" of constriction. A choke of about .675" - .670" should probably get you in the ball park.
It sure doesnt look like you are getting the patterns they claim you will. If I am not mistaken they talk about 20 to 25 inch patterns at 30 or was it 40. I was wondering how they would work. I have had much better luck with a dead coyote choke.
Sixohgto, I have an 870 Tactical too, and the .665 DC choke shoots almost the same as the .680 Kick's. The .680 is only slightly better, if any with 4B and Tshot. Perhaps the sweet spot is somewhere in the middle around .675?
Originally Posted By: CrazyHorse66That's a heckuva pattern RC.

I'll share this here ...
As a special request on another forum, here's that Flight Control #1 buck at 30 yards:


What gun and choke was that shot with?
Has anybody else tried the Kicks L or H chokes in their shotguns. I had thought about trying an L choke for my super nova but after seeing the patterns that sixohgto got I'm not too impressed. I have a few boxes of dead coyote left that I get good patterns out of with the DC choke and at least as good with 4 buck as what I saw there so I will stay with that. I guess there never will be a choke tube that works as well as advertised. I sure dont get 70 yard patterns that I would try on a coyote with the DC choke, even with the DC T loads.
Originally Posted By: Jack RobertsUsually, people who get good 70 yard patterns don't use a range finder.


LOL... how true and well said Jack.
Originally Posted By: leebrownOriginally Posted By: CrazyHorse66That's a heckuva pattern RC.

I'll share this here ...
As a special request on another forum, here's that Flight Control #1 buck at 30 yards:


What gun and choke was that shot with?

That's through my 18.5" Remington 870 with a fixed mod choke.
The load is Federal LE1321B.
Originally Posted By: CrazyHorse66Originally Posted By: leebrownOriginally Posted By: CrazyHorse66That's a heckuva pattern RC.

I'll share this here ...
As a special request on another forum, here's that Flight Control #1 buck at 30 yards:


What gun and choke was that shot with?

That's through my 18.5" Remington 870 with a fixed mod choke.
The load is Federal LE1321B.

Where can I buy just a few boxes to test? I searched and can't find it available. I mainly deer hunt with buckshot and this stuff looks impressive.

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Originally Posted By: leebrownWhere can I buy just a few boxes to test? I searched and can't find it available. I mainly deer hunt with buckshot and this stuff looks impressive.

In stock here.

This stuff is wicked.
I flattened a yote @ 60 yards with it the other night in my yard.

But keep in mind it's a low recoil load. It may not have the penetration needed at distances for deer.
Has anyone done any experimenting with shell and choke combinations with a Winchester SX3? I looked through many of the 40+ pages in this thread and didn't see any tests with the SX3. My SX3 has the 28" barrel.
The general rule should apply, about .050" - .065" of constriction from your particular bore size probably will give you a good starting place. Your bore is .742" so a choke of about somewhere from .680" - .695" generally should give you a starting framework to fine tune from.