Originally Posted By: Grizzly JohnsonA trimmed piece of GREEN scotch-brite pad does great too. Just cut it to where it wraps around a 20ga wire cleaning brush (for use in 12ga barrel, use a 12ga brush for polishing a 10ga barrel, and so on) and the edges of the pad just touch. You take the JB paste and rub down into the pad. Insert pad/brush into the chamber end of the barrel, lubricate with Kroil or quality gun oil, chuck the long cleaning rod into a low-med speed drill and make long sweeping strokes up and down the barrel. Just be sure not to run the pad plum out the far end of the barrel. Try not to polish much in the chamber area either. Keep squirting oil in the barrel every so often..... you want a slurry dripping out the end of the barrel while polishing, never let pad run dry as heat will build up inside the barrel and dry out JB paste.
I usually make 25-30 passes (1 pass is down and back) per pad, change pads and go again until I make 100-150 passes depending on the condition of barrel at starting point.
Then just pull a clean patch through until all the residue is out. Run one more with a light coat of oil through before storing.
I have never tried this!! I was wondering is this a "deep cleaning?" or are you removing some of the barrel? I was thinking about having my forceing cone worked on to help with patterns and this should help too?? I use my 870 for most of my hunting and prob need to give it a good deep cleaning. I would think it should help the pattern with all loads or am I wrong about that? I assume there are some other ways to do this.....ideas????
Thanks for the help