Rich Cronk
New member
Originally Posted By: mac805Rich, What do you consider to be an acceptable pattern for #4 buck? With a taller bead and a slight change in my sight picture, I was able to bring the pattern down right where I want it.
Measured with my calipers the Carlson's choke is 0.665". I have a factory Remington extended super full which measures 0.675" and the factory flush full choke is 0.690". After multiple shots with each, the Carlson's was the most consistent and tightest pattern.
With eight shots for this load/choke combo I am averaging right at 10 pellets in a 9" circle at an honest 40 yards (first 4 shots adjusted for high POI).
I need to apologize to you sir. I missed the portion of your above statement regarding your "Dead coyote" choke measuring .665. That is too tight for #4 Buck. My biggest gripe with Carlson is that they either sell you a choke that is too tight, or not tight enough. I think that your existing extended tube that you mentioned was .675 would be better. Now I do think that if you call Carlson's and tell them about your problem, they will swap you a new tube of around .675 I.D.
Measured with my calipers the Carlson's choke is 0.665". I have a factory Remington extended super full which measures 0.675" and the factory flush full choke is 0.690". After multiple shots with each, the Carlson's was the most consistent and tightest pattern.
With eight shots for this load/choke combo I am averaging right at 10 pellets in a 9" circle at an honest 40 yards (first 4 shots adjusted for high POI).
I need to apologize to you sir. I missed the portion of your above statement regarding your "Dead coyote" choke measuring .665. That is too tight for #4 Buck. My biggest gripe with Carlson is that they either sell you a choke that is too tight, or not tight enough. I think that your existing extended tube that you mentioned was .675 would be better. Now I do think that if you call Carlson's and tell them about your problem, they will swap you a new tube of around .675 I.D.