Knock on doors or Trespass????

I will get OnX, I was on there a couple days ago and I couldnt find where to enter the discount code from Skinney. Im not suggesting trespassing, as far as I knew you werent trespassing until asked to leave or signs were up, and I lived here for years to find out what was going on and no owners or hunters were on the property, again 30 minute stands in the frozen midnight.

I just think its more important for people to get out and explore the world instead of fearing banjos in the woods.
What if I snuck onto your place and then I saw a couple guys show up and smash your front door in and start filling their truck with your stuff. If I didnt have cell service I would at least try to shoot their tires out while they rummaged around inside. My point being, I think theres more good decent people around than nasty criminals, up here there are a lot of summer cabins empty and burglarized in the winter, If I could be cross country skiing across your empty frozen woods without worrying about property lines, I would try to help you out.

And speak of the devil, I just got to meet the guy who owns the secluded 800acres of LLC forest across the street from me. I was out shoveling my driveway and he stopped by, I think we talked for 15 minutes, it was a great conversation, he even wanted to buy my place and i got his number. He knew about a lot of the rare plants in the area and I told him Ive got ginseng growing that I planted and he let me know some people next to his place have found it wild! He was a survival instructor years ago in the military and got a kick out of me shoveling 800ft of driveway and living in a trailer in the woods year round. I asked him about coyote hunting and he said he preserves coyotes to kill the sick deer...
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Should I sneak into his place and plant ginseng for his grandkids?
You should figure out why a man who talked to you for 15 minutes made up an excuse about sick deer to keep you off his property.

Where you explaining your "imaginary lines" theory to him, or did you tell him about how you might function as a security system on the properties you invade?
You should figure out why a man who talked to you for 15 minutes made up an excuse about sick deer to keep you off his property.

Where you explaining your "imaginary lines" theory to him, or did you tell him about how you might function as a security system on the properties you invade.

Hahaha, yeah, good freaking question. I work for one farmer, trimming their horse hooves and I drove his grain truck this fall, he said if I married his daughter I could have the reception in their big old nice refurbished barn like his other daughter. He wont let me coyote hunt though.
The guy with the 800 listed half a dozen organizations that go out there, a couple white tail groups and even the US Gealogical Survey doing something. Whether he was worried about sick deer or he just didnt like me, he stayed for a long chat and he was the one that could have just drove away. I knew all along they didnt let other hunters in, its got a gate and sign and ive talked to other neighbors.

Thats a heck of a piece of land, if I cross my driveway I could walk 2 miles straight and hit nothing, I could walk 1 mile and be a mile away from everything in each direction, not all of that is his property but its the only untouched 4 square miles of nothing that I know of in the lower, maybe 3/4 of MN.
The guy with the 800 listed half a dozen organizations that go out there, a couple white tail groups and even the US Gealogical Survey doing something. Whether he was worried about sick deer or he just didnt like me, he stayed for a long chat and he was the one that could have just drove away. I knew all along they didnt let other hunters in, its got a gate and sign and ive talked to other neighbors.

Thats a heck of a piece of land, if I cross my driveway I could walk 2 miles straight and hit nothing, I could walk 1 mile and be a mile away from everything in each direction, not all of that is his property but its the only untouched 4 square miles of nothing that I know of in the lower, maybe 3/4 of MN.
Sounds like he cares about the deer herd. Did you discuss with him the impact of coyotes on the deer population? If you had told him and been able to prove it, that the average den mother kills 23 fawns in the first three weeks when they hit the ground, you may have moved him. Sounds like he gave you the way in, and you didn't walk through it.
Sounds like he cares about the deer herd. Did you discuss with him the impact of coyotes on the deer population? If you had told him and been able to prove it, that the average den mother kills 23 fawns in the first three weeks when they hit the ground, you may have moved him. Sounds like he gave you the way in, and you didn't walk through it.
He says theres been no sick deer, no CWD, he seems to think coyotes help out, he even said he wanted small deer shot.
FARMER: you cant hunt coyotes, but you can have my daughter

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Hahaha, thats the truth. The mother and father were quite insistent that I meet their daughter one time when i was there working on horses, including the wedding options, they even showed me a picture on their phone. I never heard anything else about it, I didnt know what else to ever say about it. The only sense I could ever make out if it, they acted like she met a guy they didnt like and wanted her to meet me instead but that never happened.
I know of some farmers around me that don't like guys shooting coyotes, they keep the deer numbers down they think it helps with crop damage, I just say well then don't shoot bears then, they kill way more fawns in the spring.
You definitely sound like a piece of work. As a fellow Minnesotan, people like you will be the reason we lose our year round night season. Quit being a pansy and knock on doors. Trespassing is slob hunting, and you seem to be ok with it. Hound hunters, yea most of them around me aren't literate enough to read a no Trespassing sign. Maybe you should get hounds? You mentioned the Rum River, which puts you south of Mille Lacs/north of elk river. That isn't considered "the big north woods" by anyone from Minnesota, except metro residents. There's a saturation of hunters in that area, but if you get off your ass and knock on doors, permission is very possible. If you plan on Trespassing, please for the sake of all legitimate hunters, sell all of your gear and take up fishing.
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