Knock on doors or Trespass????

... trespass make the rest of us look bad and makes it harder to get in

Not the first time in the years I've been on this forum to see such casual attitudes towards trespassing. Every excuse under the sun to attempt to justify it including "I have property and I don't care who hunts it" BS. All the other BS excuses as well, no fence, no signs, etc. Bottom line is if you don't own the dirt under your feet... IT ISN'T YOUR PROPERTY and you shouldn't be there unless you have the ok... private owner, corporate owner, unknown owner, matters not.

I take great pleasure in arresting people who trespass on the lands I hunt as I'm a deputy and have access to other people's land... the land owners also love it when I catch poachers... and the total count to date is thirteen.

I have no problem with a land owner not caring about trespassing, that's their right and business... I have a problem with those who take liberties w/o first asking and assuming it's ok to trespass.


These three walked right up on me despite my FoxPro playing... I had been watching two coyote about 150 yards out and of course these guys screwed me up.

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Not trying to be an ass here, but you're attitude about it is pretty negative. Knocking on doors is sales. Smile every time someone tells you no, because you're one step closer to a yes. You have to have a short memory and a great smile.
Reminds me of a joke. Fellow has a flat tire on a lonely farm road late at night. Opens trunk and he doesn't have a jack. Looks around and sees a light about a mile down the road, figures its a farm and surely they would have a jack, so starts the long trek down the road.
As he is walking he's thinking, sure hope they have a jack. Gets a little closer and thinks, I don't know these folks, they may not want to loan me their jack. A bit farther, he can see the light illuminating the barn yard and thinks, if a stranger knocked on my door at this time of night, I might not be too happy.
Finally, he steps up on the porch, knocks on the door. A light comes on inside, but by this time, he is pretty sure they won't loan him the jack.
When the door opens, he said, "Never mind, just keep your dang jack, I didn't want to borrow it anyhow!"
Maybe its different up here, everywhere ive been has had night hunters as a regular thing. I spent years bowhunting Wisconsin, almost every night guys were driving around and they even had the spotlight mounted on their trucks, they scanned and shot coons everywhere, that went on for years without a hiccup, obviously no law had a problem with them. My childhood would have sucked ass if I was looking around for imaginary bounadrys.

Ive willingly walked into a methlab looking for my friends stolen stuff, my friend who shot me 23 days before, 9 BBB through the leg, I knew I couldnt run so I showed up with 50lbs of gear. Those meth heads on 4x4s couldnt catch me.

Hunting, shooting and outdoor sports and activities are dying off, people are on the couch fat and depressed. I would like to see more people snowshoeing or cross country skiiing or out hunting. I moved further out to the country to be in nature, hunt and be able to do more outdoor activities at my leisure but im more secluded, locked in and limited than ever before and its because of imaginary lines.

Again Ive worked for the farmers who work the empty land, they dont know the owners! Im not going to fear the Jolly Green Giants lawyers at 1am in -10f, I know right and wrong, it may not always agree with what is legal or illegal, Ive talked to enough Sheriffs around here. The only persons night I ever ruined is when I showed up on public land too close to a little old ladies house in the middle of the night...... i rather sneak onto corporate land illegally for 30 minutes a year rather than legally scare grandma..
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Imaginary lines?

Some of us pay a lot money and have to keep paying a lot every year in taxes to get to decide what happens inside those imaginary lines. Permission is too easy to come by to attempt to justify trespassing. If we surrender our rights as property owners, we may as well just embrace communism and let the government own it all, right?

Put some miles on your pickup and knock on more doors. It's too easy to do it the right way. Not to mention, when I'm out there with $10k+ in gear at night, the last thing I'm doing is tempting the game warden to come take all of my stuff. Doesn’t make any sense.
And seriously, where is this Chinese farm land? The plat map doesnt show any CCCP land, im sure they own theirs in trusts and LLCs.

Im not letting China stop me.
Imaginary lines?

Some of us pay a lot money and have to keep paying a lot every year in taxes to get to decide what happens inside those imaginary lines. Permission is too easy to come by to attempt to justify trespassing. If we surrender our rights as property owners, we may as well just embrace communism and let the government own it all, right?

Put some miles on your pickup and knock on more doors. It's too easy to do it the right way. Not to mention, when I'm out there with $10k+ in gear at night, the last thing I'm doing is tempting the game warden to come take all of my stuff. Doesn’t make any sense.
I cant use my NVG in MN, I wont risk those, thats too blatant. Stupid law though, NVG would be safer.
Perfect definition of what is called slob hunters here in Okla,seems some people are too lazy to put in the work.Grew up in a cattle family.never ending problem of cut wire and had cattle shot between the eyes in an open field.That was when all hunting stopped in our pastures.Night hunters shot through the middle of our cattle poaching deer that were picking up cattle cubes in open fields.So I have a big problem with trespassers and trust me you do not want to get caught where you are not supposed to be in Osage County Okla
Thats the problem. Total douche bags, and probably kids who where grilled their whole childhood and their dads chasing everyone off.

Ive never heard of any night hunter causing a problem up here, never seen one get in trouble or do the wrong thing. Everyone down south is pounding on their chests and some Dbag shoots your cow or damages your stuff. Thats doesnt happen up here, no one is pounded their chests at each other and no one is trying to ruin their day, BE NEIGHBORS.
Up here there are marked large snowmobile trails going all through private fields, I have thought for a long time that it would be real nice to be able to walk and call the snowmobile trails in the middle of the night when no one is out.
Thats the problem. Total douche bags, and probably kids who where grilled their whole childhood and their dads chasing everyone off.

Ive never heard of any night hunter causing a problem up here, never seen one get in trouble or do the wrong thing. Everyone down south is pounding on their chests and some Dbag shoots your cow or damages your stuff. Thats doesnt happen up here, no one is pounded their chests at each other and no one is trying to ruin their day, BE NEIGHBORS.
Well, as a representative for the "southern douchebag chest pounders", who's lived and worked all over this country and other countries as well, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. To attempt to disparage southern hunters wholesale shows both your ignorance and your lack of maturity. It makes it easier to understand why you are continually attempting to justify violating the rights of property owners. You need to ask more questions and make less declarations. You must be young. I hope this is youth talking.
I guess im just not good at it. Ive worked for farmers so much their 1000lb animals have ruined my back at 39 years old, this summer working the farmers co-op fertilizer warehouse gave me pneumonia, the farmers were so busy this fall I was delivering grain for them and never deer hunted even when they were the ones who came to me asking for help. Ive gotten a couple 5-10acres to hunt but multiple farmers I worked for wouldnt let me hunt and at least 50% of them are half drunk and passed out by 10pm.

Sorry im a callous pecker head. Dog hunters are going all over private places, snowmobilers are going all over private places.... At least I make sure where ive gone (2 stands!) is owned by no one around, no neighbor homes, no signs and no fences.
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In Texas, the game belongs to the state, but the land belongs to the land owner.

I have a question. Suppose you had spent thousands of dollars invested in your gear (we all have done that), done your homework and had permission to hunt the properties on your list (or were blessed to own your own). You finally got a day or night off from work, loaded up your gear and drove (sometimes a hundred miles or more) for a long planned hunt. Set up and are enjoying your first outing in (fill in the blank) and some fence jumping SOB drives (or even walks) into your perfect setup without permission to even be on the property?

Trespass at your own peril in Texas, trespassing is a felony offense punishable by a visit to the nearest jail.
All I’ll say is stay up there, you’d never last down here ignoring imaginary lines. Better to be caught by LEO’s than landowners or worse, their help.
Starting to think this is just a troll thread…
Trespassing signs give landowners a reason to prosecute or their help to teach you to read.
Plenty of resources to give property boundaries. Heck, gained permission on some property in NM because the landowner was watching me on a mountain with a spotting scope. I had a bird that just wouldn’t commit across the imaginary line that OnX told me was there.
I moved umpteen times trying to get that bird to come up the mountain but he would never commit.
That evening when I came off the mountain I had a visitor. He told me who he was and asked who I was and how I was able to access that portion of the mountain. We talked and he gave me permission to access his land.
Out where I was, ranchers own a certain portion up the mountain and then it’s National Forest land. I had access to the NF through another property, but still obeyed the imaginary lines. Turns out ole boy saw my red headlamp heading up one morning about 0430 and could hear me calling and birds gobbling later in the day and put two and two together.