Sled, thanks for your time (illustrating stand) & opinion on the set up; I find it very interesting to see how you & others would differ in set up. I believe it also opens the mind to something that may have been missed (for me & the others reading). So keep it coming guys.
I am sure you are unfamiliar with our rules & terrain but in understanding that, may help in understanding how/why I make/choose certain sets.
First off night hunting is not legal in NC. Wish it was but oh well. Also, most rural areas are still right populated. It’s hard to stand on any road & not be able to see at least a couple houses. Oh, roads are abundant too. There are 1712 miles of roads just in the county I live in with only about 100 miles of that is not paved. There are very few large parcels.
Can you explain your day stand a little more? You have placed it in the pines, I’m assuming you did that on purpose? I’d have to go & scout the area but I would presume sight would be very limited in there. Usually, unless it is VERY mature timber, it’s hard to see much more than 10-40 yards in the woods this time of year. That worsens when you get more than 7-8 feet off the ground. I totally agree with you & the treestand thing (if it’s fixed; I wouldn’t carry in a climber) but it is out of the question this time of year inside the woods with the foliage. Also, if I was going to walk by the house on Allie Ln.; I’d absolutely try to get permission to park there (I wouldn’t walk by their house with a gun if I didn’t get permission). That would save a lot of sent… I realize if I got permission to hunt the woods but not the house parcel(had to skirt it), I agree your route would be best.
Below is the next set that I will make (assuming a very similar wind as did you…) now that we have gave them a taste.
Of course red being the hunters. Notice the two red as I will have my same “shooter” with me. Yellow is the foxpro again (not forgetting I have to make sent trail to it as well). The purple, peach, & green arrows are probable (notice I didn’t say possible) coyote entries. On this stand I would expect coyotes most likely to enter from the green. It’s the worst entry in for the set, but I would hope they would make it to my shooter before winding me. Next, I would expect the peach entry. A coyote could easily get the advantage here as well, but I would hope to get a shot before he made the turn & got my sent. The purple entry is the most obvious & would make for the easiest shot/kill, but as coyotes seldom make it easy, I suspect it the least probable (will have to travel a lot with tailwind) On this stand, I wouldn’t care if I could even see the foxpro or not
(I also like the set swamp spoke of getting inside the western tree line. I would like to set up 70 or so yards into the timber with the foxpro very close to me, about were my light blue wind arrow starts. However, there is not a good entry other than hitting it in the evening & walk through the middle of the pasture along the wind line & hope no coyotes are on the edges…)
I’d like to hear any comments or any other opinions.