More observations; A rough estimate of my hunt terrain is. >90% open rolling cropland, the other small percentage is timber patchs, grassy creeks, a few hay fields & grassy sloughs/waterways/draws...whatever you wish to call them.
Around 90% of the days, I hunt. Which BTW is generally 4 or more days a wk. The coyotes are either in this cover. Or working their way back to this cover, early am. From the previous nights hunt or movement.
If a caller wish's to call these coyotes. You have to get yourself set-up adjacent to this cover. As the coyotes are extremely reluctant to cross the open areas to your call noise.
If I recall, I've only called out 14 coyotes. Out of around 300 stands give or take. Majority of these coyotes were in or traveling from cover to cover across some small open areas.
Yeah, I've called a few out of those 14. That came out of & away from cover. But none ever came very close to where I was, except one. That one came relatively close. As I was set-up in a large span of cover[sparse timber/CRP & timbered/brushy creek bottom] that day. That day, I was perched up high on a knee high hillside of CRP grass. Above the creek bottom. But, below the horizen.
Fortunately for me, in my hunt area. I have so much openess of the terrain. Which allows me most often. To see them from afar[specifically in Winter snow cover]. Even sometimes when they are in the timber patchs/strips, grassy creeks, ect. I can still pick them out. I simply zoom-in & scan the down-wind[wind break] areas, of that cover.
When they are bedded in this "cover". They are in the lower/down-wind portion of this cover. Why? I believe it offers them the most wind break.
Around 90% of the days, I hunt. Which BTW is generally 4 or more days a wk. The coyotes are either in this cover. Or working their way back to this cover, early am. From the previous nights hunt or movement.
If a caller wish's to call these coyotes. You have to get yourself set-up adjacent to this cover. As the coyotes are extremely reluctant to cross the open areas to your call noise.
If I recall, I've only called out 14 coyotes. Out of around 300 stands give or take. Majority of these coyotes were in or traveling from cover to cover across some small open areas.
Yeah, I've called a few out of those 14. That came out of & away from cover. But none ever came very close to where I was, except one. That one came relatively close. As I was set-up in a large span of cover[sparse timber/CRP & timbered/brushy creek bottom] that day. That day, I was perched up high on a knee high hillside of CRP grass. Above the creek bottom. But, below the horizen.
Fortunately for me, in my hunt area. I have so much openess of the terrain. Which allows me most often. To see them from afar[specifically in Winter snow cover]. Even sometimes when they are in the timber patchs/strips, grassy creeks, ect. I can still pick them out. I simply zoom-in & scan the down-wind[wind break] areas, of that cover.
When they are bedded in this "cover". They are in the lower/down-wind portion of this cover. Why? I believe it offers them the most wind break.