I am hiking and find an intesection of 3 logging roads littered with fresh coyote tracks. Good spot. Nice alfalfa field about 200 yards southeast of me.
Here is where the expert/novice thing comes into play. Novice remembers spot, comes back in to area at daybreak without regard to the wind or his entrance, sets his Ecaller out in a place he can see, and lets fly. He may kill a few coyotes this way.
This is what a more experienced caller might do..... He thinks about the prevailing wind ALL THE TIME. How will this affect his entrance route? First he finds an area that gives him some open shootin downwind. He may even place a treestand among deer runs, knowing that he has shot most his coyotes traveling them to his call.
Next he ponders the wind again, and decides that if he wears his felt soled waders he can wade the stream that runs down to the alfalfa field up to his stand. This is great, because he is walking into the wind, up a stream to his stand, which is located about 2 steps off the stream. Nice stone wall with a couple breaks in it boost his confidence, as well as a small valley running from North to South in front of him.
Very little forest disruption. To enter the forest this way takes him about an extra 45 minutes, as he must park well away and walk a strech of road and field. He knows thats an hour and a half for a ten minute stand, but knows his chances are best, and he WILL NOT hunt here with a bad wind. No matter what.
Be honest boys ........ which man above describes you best ?
Everyone sees the forest differently, but a "gimmee" set up sticks out to me like one of those new green school buses.
What I don't think about is AR or bolt, Ecall or hand call, cover scents, or my job when I'm hunting. That stuff is fun to talk about here, but doesn't matter in real life . Just how do I get to that high percentage spot without a coyote that may be there not smelling or hearing me. I am obsesed with the wind, where I put my feet on the way in, and my stand location. I know coyote (especially young ones) give up the wind alot, but I always err on the side of caution.I work on it whenever life gives me a chance.
Sorry some of you boys take offense to my lazy comment. If it doesn't apply to you ..... RELAX.
But NOW is the time to get those stands up (yes the coyotes are in the same place as last year), and go knock on the door of that farm where you just saw 2 nice coyotes standing in the cut hay. Maybe you gotta split some wood to hunt there ........... it will be worth it.
Sometimes lazy just isn't the actual act of hunting. Lots of things to line up before you ever blow a call. Actually, blowin the call isn't even that important ..... most sounds work fine.
Again, if it doesn't apply, relax /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
Really all I'm trying to do is to get Eastern folks to not expect so much from themselves until they have been at it for some years. And how come there is such a huge degree or difference in the results we all have.