
Odd man out, hate coffee! I do like the smell, but just can’t make it taste good unless I use a half gallon of milk and a pound of sugar. I normally chug a bottled water first thing when I wake up. Always felt I overslept if the sun was up before I was.
Because that's the kind I like. Do y'all have 7brew up there? They opened one near my gf's house. A lot better than most of places and price isn't that bad. Their large is like a freaking half gallon.
Haha! Only busting your nuts buddy.

They just opened the first one in my area like a month or two ago. About 4 miles from my home.

About the only coffee I drink is home brewed or work brewed unless I’m on the road or pressed for time. Then it’s whatever is the largest, strongest one on the menu with nothing added.
In general I’m not big on sweet stuff. Prefer dark chocolate over the sweeter stuff. I love grapefruit. Drink hoppy beer. Guess I’m just a bitter person.