
I've eased into an even measure of Bustelo expresso mixed with Kirkland Columbian for mornings, 2 or 3 cups.
And for afternoons a cup of Bustelo decafe, it's quite tolerable.
I have acid reflux, some coffees trigger that. Some don't. the trick is to find the ones that don't.

I have a 20 oz mug at work, usually just one of those per day. At home my coffee cup is 15 oz, I usually drink 3 / day when home all day
I’ve never heard of butter in coffee. I’d have to try it before judgement. After being in the Navy, you learn all kinds of ways to “ flavor coffee. Such as not changing the grounds for at least a week, just add a little new. Salt, eggshells might be the worst one I remember. Took me a few years to start drinking coffee again after getting out. I have the Kuerig system that the wife uses but prefer paper filter with fresh ground. The best I have ever had is fresh roasted, rested for an hour to degas then brewed. I even have a one batch roaster. You can use a frying pan to roast but be prepared for the smell and skins coming off the beans while roasting. Momma bear won’t like it.
A number of years ago Cameralandny sent along a pound brick of Bustelo coffee as a gift with a scope purchase. I still enjoy it and have a couple pound bricks in the coffee bar.

I took a couple years off of work and designed and built a retirement home for my folks on a lake in northern WI. Funny thing everytime my folks would come up to help my butt would just drag all day. It was 6 months of that before I found out my mom was brewing Half-caf.