congrats on smashing them!
I ran the IRay RH50; it's a completely different class than the Varmint. However, I can hit targets better with the AGM. I was missing too many coyotes beyond 200 yards with the RH50 because the crosshair in the Picture-in-Picture (PIP) would enlarge when I zoomed in on distant coyotes. This required me to zoom in and then focus, which caused me to lose depth perception. It felt like I was adding unnecessary complexity to a straightforward process, resulting in missed shots at the coyotes.
On the other hand, the AGM is simpler to use. I keep it on base magnification and aim through the PIP—it's as easy as point and shoot, thanks to its pinpoint crosshair. I have shot enough with the AGM to judge fairly accurately what is within range based on the crosshair size on a distant coyote.
I sent the Iray back and just sent the Varmint back. I am not sure what I am going to run next as a primary optic. I am going to see what drops at shot show,

. Hands down I had total confidence in the Varmint V2 50 640 I was running. I went out a couple nights ago and got 15, and last night got 11 and only put one bad hit on a coyote that needed a follow up shot. Ultimately, optics are just tools, and it’s essential to find the ones that work best for you.