Alarm at the house went off about 11:00, mad dash to the attic window, eased the window open, lined things up and BOOM! Dead Red.
I just purchased the Coyote Reaper XXL to replace the stock IR that came with my ATN. So much brighter! Not thrilled with the extra weight, but its a trade off. In the video, the IR light on the right is the baby camera, the 2nd light to the left is the game camera IR, and finally I flood the area with the XXL. Oh, and the moon helped out too! Lol.
I realized how to get the video thumbnail. thanks again DU for your instructions.
Saturday night produced another Red at the pile. She came into the right, I shot and she bolted. But, she left a trail of lung blood anyone could have followed. About 20 yards from POI was her dead body. YES!
And, as 06 mentioned in a few posts back, of reposting pictures of our hunting stand and other such - good idea. Here are a few pics of my homes away from home. They are certainly nothing fancy but they serve the purpose of hunting fox and other critters.
This is the Pond stand where I shoot the majority of predators. It used to be 16 feet up at another area of the farm, but I moved it to its current location. 20211007_161610 by Gobbler Getter, on Flickr 2022-01-12_02-26-02 by Gobbler Getter, on Flickr
Have had two coyotes playing with me for a few weeks now and tonight our schedules matched up. Got the male. Pretty big for these parts. Very nice coat.
Sorry no video, my SH screen went black the instant the gun went bang so I think my battery cable must have come loose due to the recoil. Lost the video apparently. Had that problem a while back and thought I had it figured out so I need to check the battery cable for being secure and the internal batteries, etc.
About 50 yards out when shot and he ran about 25 yards and expired. 60gr VMAX from the AR
Good night out for me and the dog. He got in a fight with 3 raccoons this morning when we were out for our morning walk and he's a little bit down - probably worn out from the big fight so the coyote down was a lift for his spirits. He killed one of the coons and I shot the other two during the frenzy with my 22 pistol. They were in a den along the side of a creek and he spent an hour digging them out. When they came out they sure were pissed off. It was absolute CQB mayhem...